Install and Configure a Source Dedicated Server

WARNING: This is outdated. There is a new method that should be used, explained on the Valve Developer Wiki SteamCMD page.

Author: Doktor haus

Original tutorial


"C:\Program Files (x86)\Valve\HLServer\HldsUpdateTool" -command update -game "left4dead2" -dir "c:\srcds" -verify_all -retry


The first quoted text is the file path to the HLDSUpdateTool you just installed. The second quoted text is going to be the directory for your new Source Dedicated Server installation. With the -game paramater, instead of left4dead2 you can choose to update other games. Some of the more popular games are:

"Pause" is on its own line so that command prompt doesn't disappear automatically.

Choose file > save as... and under the file type, select "all types". Name it whatever you want, just make sure there's a ".bat" at the end. You should see a new .bat (batch) file now.

C:\srcds\left4dead2\srcds.exe -console -game left4dead2 -hostport 27015 -clientport 27016 -insecure +map c2m1_highway +exec sm.cfg

Once again, "-game" tells the server which game to run. "+map MapName_Here" will start the server on that specified map. "+exec sm.cfg" is not necessary, but it runs the configuration file sm.cfg after each map is loaded.

Now, whenever you want to run your server, double-click that shortcut. A command prompt window will appear, and yes, this is your entire server interface. A lot of text will scroll by, and when you see "VAC secure mode" enabled or disabled, that's how you know the map is fully loaded.


You probably want to configure your server, so navigate to srcds/left4dead2/left4dead2/cfg. You should see server.cfg. You can edit this with most text editors (preferably Notepad++ ) to configure your server. I'll just go over some basic things here. Remember that anything with "//" before is a comment and will be ignored.

// Information

hostname "The Reptile House" // What name your server should use.

motdfile "motdtrh.txt" // Makes your server use a custom message of the day and banner file.

hostfile "hosttrh.txt" // The default ones tend to get overwritten when updating, so this is a good idea.

sv_lan 0

sv_region 0

rcon_password "password" // In game, you can type "rcon_password password" in the console to access your server console from in-game.

// These settings make your server private and allow you to start a game regularly from the main menu.

sv_steamgroup "123456" // Very important! See this

sv_steamgroup_exclusive 0

sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0

// Preferences

sv_gametypes "coop,realism,survival,versus,scavenge" // The gametypes that can be played on your server.

maxplayers "8"

sv_maxplayers "8"

sv_visiblemaxplayers "-1"

sv_removehumanlimit "1"

sv_force_unreserved "1"

sv_alltalk 1

// These settings make sure players can use their mods.

sv_pure 0


sv_consistency 0

// Disable autokick - These settings will prevent players from being kicked for being idle.

mp_disable_autokick 1

sm_cvar director_afk_timeout 9999999

sm_cvar mp_allowspectators 1

sv_spectatoridletime 999999999

// Performance

setmaster add

setmaster add

setmaster add

setmaster add

sv_forcepreload 1 // Forces components to preload before player is in-game, helping with stuttering and slowdowns.

heartbeat // Should make your server appear in the list faster. In theory, at least.


With this configuration, you should be able to start a game from L4D2's main menu. Click "play campaign". From here, you can choose "Steam group server" to join the game in-progress. If you want to start a lobby however, choose play with friends > create new campaign lobby. Under the server type, make sure it's "steam group server". Start the lobby and you should be able to invite friends, change the level and whatever else. If you've set sv_steamgroup up like I explained earlier, when you start the game you should connect to your new server.