Advanced Graphic Design & Multimedia

This course builds on the knowledge acquired in Visual Communications and Computer Graphics and introduces students to the many ways that multimedia and technology are applied in the real world. Students begin by adopting and applying the Creative Design process, a powerful problem-solving framework that encourages research, planning, and a cycle of feedback and refinement in order to produce quality work in the creative fields as well as other subject areas. Through hands-on projects, technical exercises, software challenges, research, video essays, readings, presentations, the creation of info-graphic models, and exploratory research writing, students experience how technology and creativity can come together. Students explore how their advanced media skills have practical applications in the fields of engineering, industrial design, entrepreneurship, art, and culture. This class also engages with current issues and ethical debates, including copyright, privacy, and surveillance. Students develop their trade craft and create personal design portfolios to run their own freelance design business.

The Art of Milton Bowens Assignment


Portrait Guide Assignment


Art Movement Assignment
