Spring, 2018



This is Sac High's Visual Communications Pathway Hub. Use this site to get up to date on the calendar, assignments, units, projects and to find helpful downloads and resources to be successful in the Visual Communications program.

01 - Visual Communications

Sophomore Level Term class covering the theory of visual communications, including the science, history & psychology of visuals as well as the principles of design.

02 - Applied Graphic Design

Junior Level Term class covering the practical application of Computer Graphics to scientific models. Student learn to apply Illustration, 3D animation, Photoshop and Research to the fields of physics, chemistry, biology & astronomy.

03 - Computer Animation

Senior Level class covering Video Animation and extended exploration of 3D Graphics, modeling and digital animation.

04 - Advanced Multimedia Productions

Senior Level class covering Creative Design Process, Digital Photography, Advanced Graphics, Video Editing Computer Art & Entrepreneurship.

The Goals of the Visual Communications Program:

1. Apply appropriate technical skills and academic knowledge.

2. Communicate clearly, effectively, and with reason.

3. Develop an education and career plan aligned with personal goals.

4. Apply technology to enhance productivity.

5. Utilize critical thinking to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

6. Practice personal health and understand financial literacy.

7. Act as a responsible citizen in the workplace and the community.

8. Model integrity, ethical leadership, and effective management.

9. Work productively in teams while integrating cultural and global competence.

10. Demonstrate creativity and innovation.

11. Employ valid and reliable research strategies.

12. Understand the environmental, social, and economic impacts of decisions.

© Mr. Sarabia | CTE Visual Communications Program