Welcome to RI

The Roadmaps Institute (RI) was started in 2005 with collaboration of academia, private industry, and the United States government. Over 200 companies and government entities have measured and utilized best practices documented in one or more of the over 25 World-Class Management Step Charts.

Step Charts for improvement are initially used by organizations at a core competency or departmental level. Once benefits are discovered, many companies extend their improvement efforts by measuring their entire enterprise and even value / supply chains.

Think of the Step Charts as Legos that can be combined in hundreds of ways to reflect the needs of any organization! The modularization enabled RI to create 15 Industry Models, such as an Aerospace Model with 10 Step Charts as well as smaller programs such as the Corporate Social Responsibility program which uses 3 Step Charts.

16 Programs have been developed. Some Programs are large, such as the R26σ - Robust Roadmaps Six Sigma Program with 10 step charts presented in a Six Sigma framework. Some Programs are smaller, such as the L2G - Lean-to Green-Program with 3 Step Charts.

Although RI Programs and Workshops can be done by a single company, the highest ROI occurs with collaboration opportunities across enterprises and value chains. Finding synergies across enterprises and alliances is the #1 reason companies seek out RI.

If you don't see a Program that fits your needs, let's work together to build you one! We love our Lego approach and think you will too.

Contact RI today to start planning the next evolution of your business capabilities and value chains. Let's drive together to world-class and beyond!