Flexibility Management

World-Class Flexibility Management 

World-Class Flexibility Management addresses the ability to adapt internal operations,  supply chains, investment decisions to existing market conditions and customer demands.  For example, a mining company might use managerial flexibility in its operations in order to take advantage of rapidly rising mineral prices.   Internal operations for flexibility combines many attributes in other RI core competency management step charts, such as Customer, Demand, Design, Lean, Quality, Alliance and Supplier Management.  Internally, a manufacturer might invest in Flexible Manufacturing Systems to be able to produce better to demand rather than building inventories and stocking goods.  Best practices in flexibility go beyond product and value chain decisions to include ways to manage flexibility in the workforce (cross-training, flex-schedules, contractors, education and training) , with customers,  financial considerations., uncertainty (pandemic) responses, risk management, technology adaptation and risk mitigation, growth and contraction strategies.