World-Class Supplier Management Program

RI’s first step chart was World-Class Supplier Management which is an improved version of the step chart Dr. Starling created in her best-selling co-authored book titled “World Class Supply Management: The Key to Supply Chain Management.”  The book started with the original step chart on page 9. The remainder of the 680-page book explained how to close the gaps to world-class.  Dr. Starling’s co-authored book became the foundation for the first online supply chain management program in the United States at The University of San Diego.  Shortly thereafter, companies started asking Dr. Starling for more charts, which led to the founding of RI.

The World-Class Supplier Management Step Chart has been the foundation for many workshops and courses taught from Shanghai to Budapest by Dr. Starling.  

A company can do a 1 day or less assessment workshop, or opt for a program such as discussed here.  A program goes beyond eight hours to include more interactive exercises, case studies, readings, guest speakers, high ROI projects, problem solving, software and more.

For example, in South Korea the LG Corporation requested Dr. Starling provide a one-week course for their Procurement and Supply Chain managers using the step chart.

Whatever your management wants given your constraints, RI will meet them.