
RI Prices

All listed below are private sessions for just your company and alliances.   

Public sessions for open enrollment of individuals are not available during the pandemic at this time.

Prices are for up to 15 managers.  Add $10 per hour per added participant.

Half Day (4 Hour) Workshops

$1,200 Single Step Chart Assessment (25 avail.)

$1,200 Industry Segment Development

$1,200 Topic Workshops (currently 30 avail.)

One Day (8 Hour) Programs

$2,400 World-Class Supplier Management Program

$2,400 World-Class Alliance Management Program

$2,400 L2G - Lean-to-Green

$2,400 Process Optimization and Development

$2,400 Corporate Social Responsibility Program

$2,400 MAD - Merge, Acquire,or Divest Program

Two Day (16 Hour) Programs

$4,800 5-5-5 Program

$4,800 Mini-MBA Program

Three Day (24 Hour) Program

$7,200 Industry Segment Program (15 Avail.)

Five Day (40 Hour) Programs

$12,000 - DR2IVE (10 Step Charts)

$12,000 Roadmaps Integrated Supply Chain Program

$12,000 R26σ – Robust Roadmaps Six Sigma Program 

$12,000 Single Step Chart (AACSB contact hours)

Our Guarantee

RI guarantees satisfaction with our services.  If your company is dissatisfied for any reason, we will refund payments for billable hours (but not expenses).

Certificate of Completion

RI Certificates of Completion will be provided for participant portfolios.


Prices Shown do not include expenses.  Expenses often include: printed materials and travel costs (which may need a surcharge for overseas or other long distances requiring lost work days to arrive and return).  

Keeping Costs Down

RI has found most companies prefer to provide the venue complete with seating, projector, screen, white boards, and seating.  We also realize many companies prefer to use their internal travel services rather than pay for expenses with an itemized invoice later.   We will accommodate anything we can do to satisfy and keeps costs low.


10% of expected hourly fees must be paid to reserve services.  Expenses will be agreed upon and written into each contract.   The final invoice must be paid within 30 days or a surcharge of 5% will be added for each month thereafter.  Local government taxes must be accounted for by the company as an additional expense and must not be removed from the invoiced amount.   (We have experience working in Asia where this is a common practice.)