Performance Systems Category

Performance Measurement: The Performance Measurement Tune-Up is a one-day event (or one-week online).  This course reviews various performance measurement techniques and their advantages and disadvantages.  In addition to learning various techniques, participants will learn: how to understand the major pitfalls and consequences of poor measurement design, how to develop appropriate performance measures, how to review new and existing measures to determine their appropriateness, the role of different types of measures in measuring and managing organizational performance.

Scorecard Systems: The Scorecard Systems Workshop reviews Balanced Scorecard Systems.  The balanced scorecard is a management system that enables organizations to clarify their vision and strategy and translate them into action. It provides feedback around both the internal business processes and external outcomes in order to continuously improve strategic performance and results. The balanced scorecard suggests that we view the organization from four perspectives, and to develop metrics, collect data and analyze it relative to each of these perspectives:  The Learning and Growth Perspective, The Business Process Perspective, The Customer Perspective and The Financial Perspective.