Roadmaps Integrated Supply Chain

The Roadmaps Institute ISC Program brings supply chain alliance managers together to discuss, measure, map and improve their chains to build competitive advantage.  As with the other RI programs, the RI ISC Program starts with step chart assessments, but unlike some of the smaller programs … this one goes all the way through to Robust Roadmaps

and the largest ROI of any program.

Raytheon Example

Consider Raytheon Company (now owned by United Technologies) with roughly 6,000 suppliers.  Raytheon measured all six of its companies using the RI’s Aerospace Industry Segment Model shown on the right. Raytheon used analyses to identify projects for improvement between their divisions, but also across their supply chains including their main customer The United States Air Force.  The effort tied in with their Raytheon Six Sigma Program resulting in over 7,000   improvement projects at the time RI was working with them.