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The easiest way to review RI programs is to  download the Programs Guide .

Programs are created from World-Class Management Step Charts and Industry Models.  

If your organization wants to focus on just one core competency, then a Step Chart Workshop might be more appropriate.   

1. Programs with 1-3 Charts

Step Chart Assessment Workshops (25 available)

Assess your company on one or more of the World-Class Management Step Charts.   Learn more about this program by clicking on the figure or here.

World-Class Supplier Management Program

The World-Class Supplier Management Step Chart has been used for 2 hour workshops up to entire 16 week university courses.  Whatever your needs are for Supplier Management, this program can meet them!  Learn more about this program by clicking on the figure or here.

World-Class Alliance Management Program

The World-Class Alliance Management Program starts with a Step Chart Assessment where a participant’s organization is evaluated from 0-10 on the World-Class Alliance Management Step Chart.  Assessment is only the beginning. Next RI works with your company in developing suppliers and customers and that is why it is listed here as a program.   Learn more about this program by clicking on the figure or here.

Lean-to-Green Program

The Lean-to-Green Program provides a company (and its supply chains) with a “turn-key,” full feature sustainability improvement program that reduces costs by integrating best practices in both Lean, Process, and Sustainability using the three step charts as the foundation.    Learn more about this program by clicking on the figure or here.

Process Optimization and Development Program

In a POD Program, managers will document, map, eliminate waste, and improve their company’s processes utilizing RI’s best practices in the step charts!  As with all RI programs, a step chart provides the best practices for the program.  In the case of POD, the World-Class Process Management Step Chart is the primary step chart utilized.   Learn more about this program by clicking on the figure or here.

Corporate Social Responsibility Program

The Corporate Social Responsibility Program was originally developed for AT&T.  CSR utilizes step charts of Sustainability, Outreach, and Diversity.   Learn more about this program by clicking on the figure or here.

2. Programs with 4+ Charts

DR2IVE Program

DR2IVE was the original program at RI developed for Aerospace supply chains via contracts with Raytheon.  DR2IVE provides the highest possible return project portfolio by getting an organization to the Alliance Frontier with full industry segment analyses.  Don't know what the Alliance Frontier is at this point?  Click on the link below and head down our coolest, but also deepest "rabbit hole!"

Learn about DR2IVE by clicking here.

 Roadmaps Integrated Supply Chain Program

The Roadmaps ISC Program brings supply chain alliance managers together to discuss, measure, map and improve their chains to build competitive advantage.  As with the other RI programs, the RISC Program starts with step chart assessments, but unlike some of the smaller programs … this program results in Robust Roadmaps.   Learn more about this program by clicking on the figure or here.

Robust Roadmaps Six Sigma (R26σ) Program

Robust Roadmaps Six Sigma (R26σ) goes beyond GE Six Sigma and Motorola Six Sigma.  This, DR2IVE and RISC programs are the premier programs offered by RI,  They also require the greatest commitment by upper management.  Learn more about this program by clicking on the figure or here.

Merge, Acquire, or Divest Program

Some of the world’s most successful organizations rely on acquisitions (buy), mergers, divestitures (sell) to achieve strategic goals. While financials are usually readily available, understanding of management capabilities are not.  MAD provides the missing information needed for more successful acquisitions, mergers, divestituresLearn more about this program by clicking on the figure or here. 

5-5-5 Program

The 5-5-5 Program was developed for a large health care provider that set goals for a percentage of savings each year from their supply base.  A difference between this and other RI programs is the focus on using Adversarial Techniques.  Learn more about this program by clicking on the figure or here.  

Industry Segment Development Program

The Roadmaps Institute’s World-Class Management Step Charts can be combined and modified to meet the needs of almost any industry.  Let RI work with your management to adopt or develop an Industry Segment Models that meets your needs.  This can be done with a single short meeting of upper management. Learn more about this program by clicking on the figure or here.  

Mini-MBA Program

The Mini-MBA Program introduces managers to best practices in core competencies. It is not an MBA, but a quick overview of best practices covered in most MBA programs, minus all the hard work and expense!     Learn more about this program by clicking on the figure or here.  

3. University Programs

RI Executive MBA and/or MBA Proposal

Before starting the Roadmaps Institute, Dr. Starling co-developed seven Masters/ programs in China, Singapore, and the United States.  With that experience in mind,  Dr. Starling created this proposal.  Click here to see the proposal!

AACSB Course Adaptations

Step Charts have been used in full length AACSB courses at numerous universities.  The adaptations are  for university administrators and faculty, not for industry managers.  Learn more about this program by clicking on the figure or here.  

Continuing Education Programs

RI’s programs can be provided turn-key with or with RI logos and literature or they can be adapted to be generic programs where the students don’t know the models are coming from RI except for references. Learn more about this program by clicking on the figure or here.  

Business Capability Initiative

The BCI enables companies to compare management capabilities against world-class using industry segment models, such as this one for the Aerospace Industry with 32 companies in the model and 194 step chart assessments.   The BCI program is intended for a university to consider for adoption, but RI welcomes corporate champions.   Learn more about this program by clicking on the figure or here.  

4.  Personal Development

SOAR2  Program

SOAR2 is the acronym “Self-optimization of Opportunities through Awareness and Responsibility Roadmaps.”  SOAR2 is focused on individuals, not companies. Learn more about this program by clicking on the figure or here.  

5. Customized Programs

Customize Your Own Program

As stated previously, all programs at RI were initially developed with industry and academia.  Our step charts are a bit like Legos!  You can put them together however you see fit to meet the needs of your customized program.  

Work with RI to develop a completely new World-Class Management Step Chart or Industry Model.  We don't pretend to know everything!  All of our charts were developed in collaboration with companies, graduate students, faculty from across the globe, professionals from industry and lots of secondary research as well as surveys when feasible.