Demand Modelling Category

Forecasting Models:  The Forecasting Models Workshop explores qualitative and quantitative forecasting models.  Participants will be self-guided through sequential presentations of the forecasting models where they will have the opportunity to run each model with pre-loaded data in an Excel based spreadsheet template.  A series of discussions will also highlight the benefits and pitfalls of each forecast model.

Demand Management Systems:  The Demand Management Systems Workshop explores what a Demand Management System (DMS) is and how it can help organizations to reduce uncertainty, allocate resources effectively, lower human and material costs, and facilitate better strategic planning.  Both electronic DMS systems and organizational roles and constructs will be discussed in the course.

 Reducing the Bullwhip: The Reducing the Bullwhip Workshop enables participants to recognize and reduce the bullwhip effect.  The Bullwhip Phenomenon is where orders to the supplier tend to have larger variance than sales to the buyer, and the distortion propagates upstream.  Tangible strategies to reduce the distortion in the supply chain caused by the phenomenon will be explored.