Industry Models

Industry Models can be used with the ten World-Class Management Step Charts embedded into each to assist companies and their alliances achieve unprecedented competitive advantage.    Industry Models are usually used by companies within the context of a Roadmaps Institute Program.   Look over your Industry Model, then decide how your management team wants to shift your company and value chains to world-class with an RI Program, such as DR2IVE,  Robust Roadmaps Six Sigma Program or Rpadmaps Integrated Supply Chain Program.   Industry Models can also be used to help with Acquisitions, Mergers and Sell of a companies.

Picture:  Dr. Starling presenting the Aerospace Industry Model to Raytheon - Australia in Canberra to Australian Department of Defense (Customer of Raytheon), Raytheon managers, and other Aerospace / Defense managers in Australian companies.

Fifteen Industry Models are shown below.  

Click on each to learn more!