Mini-MBA Program

Dr. Stephanie Starling, Founder of the Roadmaps Institute (RI), co-developed seven* AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) programs before starting RI.  In a meeting with a President of an Oil and Gas Company, the President asked Dr. Starling if she could create a private MBA-like program for internal training of his managers.  Dr. Starling agreed and The Mini-MBA Program was formed. 

The program envisioned at the Oil and Gas Company was to introduce managers to best practices in core competencies, not to have full length MBA courses that met accreditation criteria.  Although each of the courses could be increased in content and contact hours to be an AACSB qualifying course.

You can customize this however you want for your organization.  A logical approach would be to develop or adopt an Industry Segment Model and use it to select 10 or so World-Class Management Step Charts. then deliver the workshops once a month for either a half or full day.  In 10 months, RI would provide the participants with a Mini-MBA Certificate!