Process Improvement Category

Process Value Analysis:  The Process Value Analysis Workshop explores the basics of applying value analysis techniques to processes.  Business processes are the collections of activities that create value for your customers.  Regardless of industry or sector, any organization that delivers value more efficiently than its rivals has a distinct competitive advantage.  Process Value Analysis enables you to pursue both paths of competitive advantage:  one based on customer value and the other on process efficiency.

Just-in-Time Principles:   In the JIT Principles Workshop,  participants will explore JIT as developed by the Toyota Production System (TPS) up to today’s systems that integrate lean and supply chain best practices.  Just-in-Time Principles involve the elimination of waste while respecting people.  JIT Principles require buyers and sellers to work together to reduce the need for inventories.  Waste must be reduced or eliminated.  Communication must be real-time.  These requirements combine to make buyer-supplier collaboration essential.

Inventory Management:  The Inventory Management Workshop explores both the philosophies and science of inventory management.  Inventory management is the direction and control of activities with the purpose of getting the right inventory in the right place at the right time in the right quantity in the right form at the right cost.  Inventory Management has evolved through several paradigm shifts in the last forty years to become one of the most efficient management areas in business.

Workload Balancing:  The Workload Balancing Workshop focuses on how to develop schedules for resources to ensure a balanced and efficient work flow.   Workload balancing techniques generally focus on the management of bottlenecks to ensure no one work path can become overloaded.  In managing bottlenecks several techniques are used by organizations.   These techniques will be examined in the context of scheduling and resource distribution.