Aerospace and Defense Industry Model

Aerospace and Defense Industry Model in pdf format for download. 

Best Practices for Aerospace and Defense

Aerospace & Defense managers are some of the best in the world.  Part of why is they constantly strive to improve.   But the Aerospace Industry can stagnate at bringing in best practices.  RI is here to help keep your company and its alliances in your supply chains up to date and benefiting from collaborations.  The RI Model  is one way we can do this for your company.  RI provides for new paradigm integration, which means  Aerospace & Defense managers will stay on the cutting edge of best practices.

Aerospace and Defense Industry Model

The model shows ten World-Class Management Step Charts that represent ten key core competency areas providing the greatest impact on companies in your industry.  

Note the 10 step charts were selected from 25 possible charts at the Roadmaps Institute.  The World-Class Supplier Management Step Chart is shown in miniature to illustrate that each spoke represents a step chart.  

Metrics Guide Progress

The analysis shown here is an actual Aerospace / Defense company in San Diego.  The company scored the highest on average on the World-Class Management Step Charts in comparison to the other companies which sent the Roadmaps Institute results.  

World-Class Management Step Charts

The World-Class Cost Management Step Chart is an example of one chart of ten in the Aerospace Industry Model.  The World-Class Management Charts  in the model were developed for Aerospace and Defense at the request of Raytheon Company.  Additions and edits each year have kept charts up to date with latest best practices. 

An entire program can be built around one step chart.  Or,  a company can adopt all 10 in the Aerospace Model:  Cost, Customer, Demand, Design, Leadership, Lean, Program, Quality, eCommerce, Supplier.   If any of these ten do not fit for your company, we have 15 more step charts to choose from or we can develop one specifically for your company (that is how the charts were originally developed -- by a company asking for one).

SCORE YOUR COMPANY ON THE COST CHART - Video Presentation of Steps

Lead with Paradigm Integration

Since RI incorporates the latest developments in management practice, the institute can be thought of as a paradigm integrator.  As a paradigm integrator, RI brings together the world’s best practices under one “umbrella.”   When the next paradigm emerges, RI works to incorporate it into its step charts.  Organizations can then tap the best practices from established and new paradigms without becoming too focused on one paradigm.

A result of this approach is the World-Class Management Step Charts need updating as new paradigms and best practices emerge.  So if you found one of our old step charts floating around on the web somewhere, odds are it is outdated.  And if you evaluated your company on a chart such as World-Class Cost Management a decade ago as an 8 out of 10 but you have stagnated since that time, odds are your latest score would be something like a 6 out of 10 today!

Key Steps from DR2IVE 

Alliances are (step 1) Selected and confirmed with (step 2) Relationship Development Charters so all key companies in a supply chain can (Step 3) Learn About World-Class Best Practices  and the individually (Step 4) Measure Their Gaps.  After each alliance has assessed itself on the  ten step charts, the results can be compared to  (Step 5) Collaborate to Discover Opportunities.  Then, we can (Step 6) Convert the Opportunities into Projects, (Step 7) Select the Highest Return Projects, (Step 8) Create Contracts and Charters for Projects, which allows the chain to (Step 9) Create Robust Roadmaps.   The final step is to  (Step 10) Execute the Robust Roadmaps and enjoy unprecedented productivity and bottom line improvement.

Collaboration Leads to Identifying Opportunities

This figure shows Step 5 where we Collaborate to Discover Opportunities. with our alliances.  Note there are three companies that have assessed them on the ten charts in Aerospace Industry Model.  These are actual results but the companies are not disclosed to protect them.  Overlays of the results allow us to quickly see where one company can help the other to close their gaps working towards world-class!

Robust Roadmaps

Robust Roadmaps are the main product out of a DR2IVE Initiative.  The collaborative projects are interwoven into the project portfolios of all companies involved and they are linked to other projects by dependencies  or time phasing.

Projects developed between Alliance members and against best practices using RI's step charts result in an optimized, more robust project portfolio for all companies engaged.   The only way to generate higher returns on investment would be to bring in more Alliance members.  It is a simply idea, and RI provides the methodologies to execute the program.

Aerospace Industry Indices

Data can be rolled up from the company level to measure the Supply or Value Chain itself.   Data from all companies in the industry can also be rolled up anonymously to provide an industry index.

Business Capability Index

Data can also be rolled up by city and/or region, state, country, and then even at a global level.  The BCI provides participating companies with a comparison basis to see how they are doing against peers (aggregated data only) in their industry and areas of comparison.