POD - Process Optimization and Development

Map, Optimize, and Develop Processes

In a POD Program, managers will document, map, eliminate waste, and improve their company’s processes utilizing RI’s best practices in the step charts!  As with all RI programs, a step chart provides the best practices for the program.  In the case of POD, the World-Class Process Management Step Chart is the primary step chart utilized.

Workshops and Courses

Workshops for POD can be as little as 4 hours and as long as the company wishes.  As an example, consider an Energy Industry company that mapped and improved 180+ processes under the guidance of Dr. Starling, Founder of RI.  The program could not be done with one workshop.  It took multiple gatherings of management over about one year to document and improve the processes.  The program was so successful the company became attractive to investors which then purchased the company.