R26σ - Robust Roadmaps Six Sigma Program

Six Sigma (6σ) was made popular by Bill Smith at Motorola in the mid 1980s as a set of techniques and tools for process improvement. Most Six Sigma programs, including GE’s in the early 2000s tended to follow a strong focus on developing existing processes, so they are as free of defects as possible.  But the myopic focus on existing processes led to some companies not handling disruptive technologies and leaps in innovation very well. 

Robust Roadmaps Six Sigma

Robust Roadmaps Six Sigma (R26σ) resolves the two issues of disruptive technologies and innovations by assessing value chain organizations against World-Class Best Practices as well as between Alliance members in the value chains to identify collaborative opportunities.

R26σ fully taps best practices and innovations across their entire value chains including customers and suppliers and materials, products and services from Mother Earth to final disposition. Robust Roadmaps Six Sigma (R26σ) achieves unprecedented ROI from project portfolios that result from extended levels of consideration across Alliances.