
Grade 2: Drama

Role/character: adopting the attitude/point of view of a fictional character (e.g., in dialogue and writing in role); using body language (e.g., posture, gestures, facial expression), costumes, and props appropriate to a character; varying vocal levels, tones, and ranges to support the depiction of a character

Relationship: listening and responding in role to other characters in role

Time and place: establishing a fictional setting and relating to it in role

Tension: being aware of a sense of mystery or a problem to be solved

Focus and emphasis: identifying the main idea or central theme of the drama

Picture by: @baxterperson

Mystery Story Bag

Go outside, go for a walk or explore near your home. Be sure to bring a bag with you and complete the following:

The story can be about where the object comes from. The story can also be about where the object will be going in the future. Act out this story by creating a character that would interact with the item. If there are two of you, create two characters.

Picture by: @baxterperson

Switching Bodies - “Off with your Head”

Collect some old magazines, newspapers or online pictures that you have permission to use. You will need scissors and help completing the following:

Pretend to be this new creature, go outside on a walk to explore and imagine the powers this fictional being has now. How would you find food?