RS-0666's Addendum

Addendum RS0666 : 1 

 It has been observed that RS-0666’s ‘haunting state’ can be transferred from one individual to another. This transfer occurs if the individual initially haunted by RS-0666 is stabbed by SCP-034. Subsequent to such an event, the haunting state, along with all its associated effects and behaviors of RS-0666, shifts from the original target to the individual who inflicted the wound with SCP-034.

Discovered by: JuneSCP

Addendum RS0666 : 2

RS-0666 More commonly reffered to as Scarecorw has started to exhibit a new ability with the scythe he carries around, when faced with anomalies he cannot kill knowing this he opts to torment and make them scared of him. Such is evident with SCP-682 who RS-0666 cut the limb off of and started appearing when 682 least expected it. This new found ability displays how RS-0666's scythe was not anomalous before but in the hands of RS-0666 has become a primary tool for torment and torture.

Discovered by: BIRTHDAYDOG124