SCP-610's Addendum

Addendum 610 : 1

Owing to an old termination attempt of mine, it was learned that SCP-610-2 had a second fear of sorts, other than fire. That being, SCP-682. During the termination attempt, 3 instances of SCP-610-2 were sent inside SCP-682's chamber, while it was sleeping. The SCP-610-2 instances were observed to be quite hesitant to even approach SCP-682 in its sleep. That fear was even better observed when SCP-682 woke up, making the instances panic, and scatter in all directions to avoid its wrath.

It is important to note however, that said fear is not observed when a SCP-610-1 instance is present, owing to an even older breach of SCP-610-1 and SCP-682, where they teamed up. In the aforementioned breach, multiple SCP-610-2 instances were close to SCP-682, even communicating with it, showing no signs of fear whatsoever. 

Discovered by: tem164896

Addendum 610 : 2

SCP-610-2's behavior demonstrates distinct responses when encountering individuals influenced by SCP-1200-30 and SCP-1200-58. When faced with SCP-1200-30 effects, SCP-610-2 shows strategic intelligence, avoiding those affected and targeting non threat CDs. SCP-610-2 actively engages individuals affected by SCP-1200-58 but waits for its effects to fade before attacking. This adaptability reflects SCP-610-2's nuanced understanding of anomalous effects, showcasing strategic decision making and selective targeting patterns based on the specific anomalies encountered.

Addendum 610 : 3

In this test it's seen that SCP-610-2 can feel the Core being attacked and also be influenced by threats towards the Core, such as repeated attacks on the core by someone.

For example, every time the CD stuck the Core, 610-2 would become hesitant and scared to go closer to the middle, showing a sort of fear or pain every time the Core got hit. 

This behaviour explains exactly why 610-2 is protective over the Core in the first place.

Addendum 610 : 4

The research conducted on SCP-610-2 and SCP-035 revealed intriguing insights into their interactions within a controlled environment. SCP-610-2, known for its aggressive nature, demonstrated an unexpected response when faced with SCP-035. Contrary to its usual behavior, SCP-610-2 exhibited fear and caution in the presence of SCP-035, choosing to avoid direct confrontation and instead adopting defensive strategies.

This shift in behavior suggests a nuanced understanding and recognition of SCP-035's capabilities by SCP-610-2. It also raises questions about the potential psychological impact of SCP-035 on other anomalous entities.

Addendum 610 : 5

When SCP-610-2 comes under direct contact with SCP-1048-B’s electrical energy beams, SCP-610-1 momentarily loses complete control over the specific SCP-610-2 instance, causing the instance to walk away from any attack it may be engaged in and to wait in the core. This happens due to the high concentration of electricity overloading the neural connection between the SCP-610-2 instance and SCP-610-1, causing a complete blackout in the connection.

Discovered by: Peelyparadise