SCP-368's Addendum

Addendum 368 : 1

SCP-368 will show favoritism towards Class-D or any personnel that are wearing a clothing, accessory or has a skin tone that is the same color as the SCP-368 instance. This favoritism that the SCP-368 instances show will greatly determine who they will perch on, if given the chance to. However the amount of favoritism the SCP-368 shows to the person may vary depending on the instance. Such as maybe there are multiple people wearing the same colored shirt as the SCP-368 instance. The SCP-368 instance may have a hard time picking which one it favors more, but if someone shows up with a greater amount of accessories or clothing the same color as the SCP-368 instance. Then the two other personnel did it will favor that one more and perch on them.

Discovered by: Cowmaster102