Chapter 100. Fire Districts
ARTICLE I Fire District No. 1
§ 100-1. Fire District No. 1 established.
§ 100-2. When effective.
§ 100-3. Inconsistent ordinances repealed.
ARTICLE II Fire District No. 2.
§ 100-4. Fire District No. 2 established.
§ 100-5. When effective.
§ 100-6. Inconsistent ordinances repealed.
ARTICLE III Fire District No. 3.
§ 100-7. Fire District No. 3 established.
§ 100-8. When effective.
§ 100-9. Inconsistent ordinances repealed.
ARTICLE IV Fire District No. 4.
§ 100-10. Fire District No. 4 established.
§ 100-11. When effective.
§ 100-12. Repealer.
ARTICLE V Fire District No. 5.
§ 100-13. Fire District No. 5 established.
§ 100-14. When effective
§ 100-15. Repealer.
ARTICLE VI Fire District No. 6.
§ 100-16. Fire District No. 6 established.
§ 100-17. When effective.
§ 100-18. Repealer.
[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Council of the Township of Gloucester: Article I, 1-21-57 as Ord. No. 208; Article II, 1-21-57 as Ord. No. 209; Article III, 1-21-57 as Ord. No. 210; Article IV, 1-21-57 as Ord. No. 211; Article V, 12-30-77 as Ord. No.0-77-32; Article VI, 12-30-77 as Ord. No. 0-77-33. Amendments noted where applicable.]
General References
Fire Department - See Ch. 10.
Be it ordained by the Township Council of the Township of Gloucester, in the County of Camden and State of New Jersey as follows:
ARTICLE I Fire District No. 1
[Adopted 1-21-57 as Ord. No. 208]
§ 100-1. Fire District No. 1 established.
The following described territory, lying and being in the Township of Gloucester, County of Camden and State of New Jersey, is hereby established, set off and declared to constitute Fire District No. 1 of the Township of Gloucester.
Beginning at a point in the center line of Evesham Road at its Intersection with the Magnolia borough line and extending thence westwardly along the center line of Evesham Road approximately 12,500 feet to the center line of Clements Bridge Road; thence westwardly along the center line of Clements Bridge Road approximately 250 feet to the center line of Timber Creek; thence in a southerly direction up the center line of Timber Creek to its intersection with the center line of the North Branch of Timber Creek; thence eastwardly along the center line of the North Branch of Timber Creek to its intersection with Otter Branch; thence northeastwardly along the center line of Otter Branch to its intersection with Gravelly Run; thence eastwardly along the center line of Gravelly Run to the Somerdale Borough line; thence northwardly along the Somerdale borough line approximately 1,600 feet to the Magnolia borough line; thence westwardly along the Magnolia borough line approximately 290 feet to an angle in the same; thence northwardly still along the Magnolia borough line approximately 1,360 feet to the place of beginning.
§ 100-2. When effective.
This Ordinance shall take effect immediately after due passage and publication according to law.
§ 100-3. Inconsistent ordinances repealed.
All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of said inconsistencies only.
ARTICLE II Fire District No. 2
[Adopted 1-21-57 as Ord. No.209]
§ 100-4. Fire District No. 2 established.
The following described territory, lying and being in the Township of Gloucester, County of Camden and State of New Jersey, is hereby established, set off and declared to constitute Fire District No. 2 of the Township of Gloucester:
Beginning at the intersection of the center line of the South Branch of Timber Creek with the center line of Pine Run and extending thence northwardly along the center line of the South Branch of Timer Creek to its intersection with the center line of the North Branch of Timber Creek; thence eastwardly along the center line of the North Branch of Timber Creek to its intersection with the center line of Otter Branch; thence northeastwardly along the center line of Otter Branch to its intersection with Gravelly Run; thence eastwardly along the center line of Gravelly Run to the Somerdale borough line; thence southwardly along the borough line, approximately 1,050 feet to the center line of Somerdale Road; thence eastwardly along the center line of Somerdale Road approximately 2,226 feet to an angle in the Somedale borough line; thence southwardly along the Somerdale borough line and the Hi Nella borough line approximately 3,600 feet to a point in Signey Run the Stratford borough line; thence westwardly along the same to its intersection with the North Branch of Timber Creek; thence southwardly along the same and along the Stratford borough line to its intersection with the Lindenwold borough line; thence southwardly along the Lindenwold borough line approximately 4,600 feet to the center line of the Blackwood-Clementon Road; thence eastwardly along the center line of Blackwood Clementon Road approximately 5,300 feet to the center line of Chews Landing-Little Gloucester Road; thence northwardly along the same 6,300 feet to the center line of Pine Run; thence in a general northeasterly direction down the center line of Pine Run, crossing Black Horse Pike, to the intersection of Pine Run and the South Branch of Timber Creek.
§ 100-5. When effective.
This ordinance shall take effect after due passage and publication according to law.
§ 100-6. Inconsistent ordinances repealed.
All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of said inconsistencies only.
ARTICLE III Fire District No. 3
[Adopted 1-21-57 as Ord. No. 210]
§ 100-7. Fire District No. 3 established.
The following described territory, lying and being in the Township of Gloucester, County of Camden and State of New Jersey, is hereby established, set off and declared to constitute Fire District No. 3 of the Township of Gloucester:
Beginning in the middle of Pine Run at the center line of Chews Landing-Little Gloucester Road; thence in a westerly direction along center line of Pine Run, crossing Black Horse Pike, continuing in a northwesterly direction to the center line of the South Branch of Timber Creek thence continuing in a southerly direction following the center boundary line of said South Branch of Timber Creek to the junction of Mingus Run at Good Intent- Lower Landing Road; thence continuing along the center line of Mingus Run in an easterly direction, across Black Horse Pike, to the center line of Blenheim-Erial Road; thence continuing along the center line of Blenheim-Erial Road in a southeasterly direction to the center line of the Blackwood Clementon Road; thence continuing in an easterly direction along the center line of Blackwood-Clementon Road to the intersection of Blackwood Clementon Road and the Chews Landing-Little Gloucester Road; thence continuing in a northerly direction along the center line of the Chews Landing-Little Gloucester Road to the middle of Pine Run, point and place of beginning.
§ 100-8. When effective.
This ordinance shall take effect after due passage and publication according to law.
§ 100-9. Inconsistent ordinances repealed.
All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of said inconsistencies only.
ARTICLE IV Fire District No. 4
[Adopted 1-21-57 as Ord. No. 211]
§ 100-10. Fire District No. 4 established.
The following described territory, lying and being in theTownship of Gloucester, County of Camden and State of New Jersey, is hereby established, set off and declared to constitute Fire District No. 4 of the Township of Gloucester:
Beginning at the intersection of the center line of theSouth Branch of Timber Creek with Mingus Run at Good Intent-Lower Landing Road and extending thence eastwardly along the center line of said Mingus Run to its intersection with the Blenheim-Erial Road; thence southeastwardly along the center line of Blenheim-Erial Road approximately 1,900 feet to the center line of the Blackwood-Clementon Road; thence eastwardly along the center line of the Blackwood- Clementon Road to its intersection with the center line of Little Mill Road; thence southwardly along the center line of Little Mill Road approximately 2,200 feet to a point in the dividing line between Lots 10A and 10B, Block 358 of the Tax map of Gloucester Township, revised to October 1, 1956; thence southwestwardly along said dividing line and along the dividing line between Lots 10 and 10B a distance of 1,584 feet to a point common to Lots 9, 10A and 10B; thence westwardly crossing Lot 4 to a point at the southeast corner of Lot 18; thence southeastwardly along the southerly line of Lot 18, 890 feet to the intersection of the Blenheim-Erial Road and the Peter Cheeseman Road; thence southwardly along the center line of Peter Cheeseman Road, 1,100 feet more or less to the center line of the Grenloch-Little Gloucester Road; thence southeastwardly along the center line of the Grenloch-Little Gloucester Road 6,000 feet more or less to the center line of Black Horse Pike; thence southwardly along the center line of Black Horse Pike 400 feet more or less to the center line of the SOuth Branch of Timber Creek in Grenloch Lake; thence in a general northerly direction along the center line of the South Branch of Timber Creek, passing through Grenloch Lake and Blackwood Lake, the various courses and distances thereof to its intersection with Mingus Run and place of beginning.
§ 100-11.When effective.
This ordinance shall take effect after due passage and publication according to law.
§ 100-12.Repealer.
All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of said inconsistencies only.
ARTICLE V Fire District No. 5
[Adopted 12-30-77 as Ord. No. 0-77-32.]
§ 100-13.Fire District No. 5 established.
The following described territory, lying and being in the Township of Gloucester, County of Camden and State of New Jersey, is hereby established, set off and declared to constitute Fire District No. 5 of the Township of Gloucester
Beginning at the intersection of the center line of New Brooklyn-Blue Anchor Road with the center line of Peter Cheeseman- Little Gloucester Road; thence in a southwardly direction along the center line of Peter Cheeseman- Little Gloucester Road to the center line of Grenloch-Little Gloucester Road; thence southwestwardly along the center line of Grenloch-Little Gloucester Road crossing the north-south freeway and Black Horse Pike continuing in a westwardly direction to th: e center of the south branch of Big Timber Creek; thence in a southeastwardly direction following the center boundary line of said south branch of Big Timber Creek crossing the Black Horse Pike, north-south freeway, County House - New Brookly Road, Atlantic City Expressway and Cross Keys Road, continuing in a southwestwardly direction following the center boundary of the Great Lebanon branch of Big Timber Creek crossing Sicklertown Road to Camden-Gloucester county line; thence southeastwardly along said county line to the center line of Cross Keys- Berlin Road; thence northeastwardly along said center line of Cross Keys - Berlin Road, crossing Sicklertown Road, Atlantic City Expressway and County House -New Brooklyn Road to a point midway between County House - New Brooklyn Road and Chews Landing Road - Williamstown Road; thence northwardly to an angle in the center line of Jarvis Road midway between Sicklertown-Turnersville Road and Chews Landing-Williamstown Road; thence continuing northwardly to an angle in the center line of Garwood Road midway between Sicklertown Road and Chews Landing-Williamstown Road; thence northeastwardly to an angle in the center line of Turnersville-Hickstown Road at the Gloucester Township Dump; thence in a general northwardly direction along said Dump crossing Holly Run to a point on the center line of New Brooklyn- Blue Anchor Road midway between Peter Cheeseman-Little Gloucester Road and Turnersville-Hickstown Road; thence along the center line of New Brooklyn-Blue Anchor Road to the center line of Peter Cheeseman-Little Gloucester Road, the point and place of beginning.
§ 100-14.When effective.
This ordinance shall take effect after due passage and publication according to law.
§ 100-15.Repealer.
All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of said inconsistencies only.
ARTICLE VI Fire District No 6.
[Adopted 12-20-77 as Ord. No. 0-77-33]
§ 100-16.Fire District No. 6 Established.
The following described territory, lying and being in the Township of Gloucester, County of Camden and State of New Jersey, is hereby established, set off and declared to constitute Fire District No. 6 of the Township of Gloucester:
Beginning at the intersection of the center line of New Brooklyn-Blue Anchor Road with the center line of Peter Cheeseman- Little Gloucester Road; thence in a southeasterly direction along the center line of New Brooklyn-Blue Anchor Road to a point mid-way between Peter Cheeseman-Little Gloucester Road and Turnersville-Hickstown Road, thence in a southerly direction, crossing Holly Run and running along the Gloucester Township Landfill to an angle point in the center line of Turnersville-Hickstown Road; thence continuing in a southerly direction to an angle point in the center line of Garwood Road midway between County House-New Brooklyn Road and Chews Landing-Williamstown Road; thence continuing in a southerly direction to an angle point in the center point line of Jarvis Road midway between County House- New Brooklyn Road and Chews Landing-Williamstown Road; thence continuing in a southerly direction to a point in the center line of Berlin-Cross Keys Road, said point being midway between County House- New Brooklyn Road and Chews Landing - Williamstown Road; thence in a northeasterly direction along said center line of Berlin-Cross Keys Road, crossing Williamstown- Chews Landing, New Brooklyn-Blue Anchor Road and Kearsley Road to Sharps Branch and the Township line; thence in a northwesterly direction along said center line along Sharps Branch and the Township line to its intersection with the center line of Kearsley Road; thence in a northerly direction along said center line of Kearsley Road and the Township line to a point in the center line of Turnersville-Hickstown Road; thence in a westerly direction along said center line of Turnersville-Hickstown Road and the Township line to a point in the center line of Little Mill Road; thence in a northerly direction along said center line of Little Mill Road and the Township line, approximately 8.180 feet to a point in the dividing line between Lots 10A and 10B, Block 358, of the Tax Map of Gloucester Township, revised to October 1, 1976; thence in a southwesterly direction along said dividing line and along the dividing line between Lots 10 and 10B a distance of 1,584 feet to a point common to Lot 9, 10 and 10B; thence in a westerly direction crossing the former Lot 4, now the Cherrywood Development, P.S.G.and E right-of-way and the Day Star II Development, also known as Cherrywood Hills, to a point at the southeast corner of Lot 18; thence in a southeasterly direction along the southerly line of Lot 18, 890 feet, plus or minus, to the intersection of the center line of New Brooklyn - Blue Anchor Road and the center line of Peter Cheeseman - Little Gloucester Road, the point and place of beginning.
§ 100-17 When effective.
This ordinance shall take effect after due passage and publication according to law.
§ 100-18.Repealer.
All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of said inconsistencies only.