Chapter 65A. Park Rules and Regulations


§ 65A-1. Purpose.

§ 65A-2. Alcoholic beverages, drugs or narcotics.

§ 65A-3. Group use, meetings and exhibitions.

§ 65A-4. Pets; horses.

§ 65A-5. Refuse; pollution.

§ 65A-6. Natural features.

§ 65A-7. Fires and fireworks.

§ 65A-8. Firearms; hunting and trapping.

§ 65A-9. Restricted uses and areas.

§ 65A-10. Vehicles; parking.

§ 65A-11. Hours of operation.

§ 65A-12. Disorderly persons.

§ 65A-13. Permits.

§ 65A-14. Repealer

§ 65A-15. Violations and penalties.

§ 65A-16. When effective.

[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Council of the Township of Gloucester 3-10-80 as Ord. No. O-80-8. Amendments noted where applicable]

General References

Alcoholic beverages - See Ch. 26.

Dogs - See Ch. 47.

Hawkers, peddlers and canvassers - See Ch. 58.

Hunting and firearms - See Ch. 60.

Parks and picnic grounds - See Ch. 66.

Be it ordained by the Township Council of the Township of Gloucester, in the County of Camden and State of New Jersey, as follows:

§ 65A-1. Purpose.

The following rules and regulation are hereby adopted for the protection, regulation and control of parks, roads, driveways, sidewalks, paths, bike paths, lakes, pools, fountains, trees, flowers, shrubs, statuary, buildings and other objects contained within and upon property designated as Township parks and recreation areas within the Township of Gloucester. (Amended by Ord. O-13-09. Amended 04-08-13)

§ 65A-2. Alcoholic beverages, drugs or narcotics.

No person shall be permitted within a Township park or recreation area under the influence of intoxicating beverages, drugs or narcotics. No person shall possess or distribute for consumption alcoholic beverages without the required permits issued from the Township Clerk's Office, and the approval of the Township Council. No person shall possess, distribute or consume alcoholic beverages, drugs, or narcotics in or upon any Township park or recreation area. (Amended 2-25-85 by Ord. 0-85-13.)[Amended on 06-28-94 by Ord. O-04-17]

§ 65A-3. Group use, meetings, exhibitions, ball games and team practices.

A. No group of ten (10) or more persons shall use a Township park or recreation area without first having obtained a permit from the Director of Recreation at least fifteen (15) days before the proposed date of use. Group use shall be limited to designated areas. Adult supervision of chil­dren's groups is required at all times.

B. No person shall call or hold any public meeting or give any concert or public entertainment of any kind within a Town­ship park or recreation area without first having obtained written permission from the Director of Recreation at least fifteen (15) days before the proposed date of use.

C. No person shall use loudspeakers, public address systems or amplifiers within a Township park or recreation area without first having obtained written permission from the Director of Recreation at least fifteen (15) days before the proposed date of use.

§ 65A-4. Pets, Horses, etc.

A. Dogs. horses, animals or pets, domestic or wild, are not permitted within any Township park or recreation area at any time either on a leash or at large except in designated and defined areas.[Amended on 04-24-06 by Ord. O-06-12]

B. No person shall ride, drive, lead or keep a saddle horse or other animal within a Township park or recreation area, except when a permit has been issued by the Director of Recreation for a special event, such as a circus, pet show, fair, etc.

§ 65A-5. Refuse: Pollution.

A. No person shall leave bottles, broken glass, ashes, wastepaper or other rubbish within a Township park or recreation area, except in a properly provided receptacle designated for that purpose.

B. No person shall throw or place any dirt, stone, rock, debris, foreign or waste substance into or upon any Township park or recreation area or in any stream, lake, pond, river, or body of water within or bordering upon land of a Township park or recreation area.

C. No person shall throw, cast, lay or drop, discharge into or allow to remain in the water of a Township park or recre­ation area, or any tributary, brook, lake, stream, pond or storm sewer or drain flowing into said waters, any sub­stance, matter or thing which may or shall result in the pollution of said waters. (Amended 2-25-85 by Ord. No. 0-85-13.)

§ 65-6. Natural features.

A. No person shall pick flowers, foliage, berries or fruit or cut, break, dig up or in any way mutilate or injure any tree, shrub, plant, fern, grass, turf, railing, seat, fence, structure or any other object within a Township park or recreation area.

B. No person shall plant or bring into or upon any Township park or recreation area any tree, shrub, or plant or any newly plucked branch or portion of a tree, shrub or plant without written permission from Township Council.

C. No person shall dig up, excavate, quarry, or remove any dirt, stone, rock, sand or other substance whatever, or set off any blast, or cause or assist in doing any of said things within a Township park or recreation area.

D. No person shall build, construct, tear down, improve or alter any buildings or recreation fields or Township proper­ty without written permission from the Director of the Department of Public Works, with the consent of the Mayor and Township Council.

E. No person who is not a township employee, shall perform field maintenance in any Township park or recreation area without written permission from the Director of the Depart­ment of Public Works prior to any work being performed

(Amended 2-25-85 by Ord. No. 0-85-13.)

§ 65A-7. Fires and fireworks.

A. No person shall build, light or maintain a fire within a Township park or recreation area except in a permanent grill installed, maintained or designated for that purpose by the Township. Portable grills and camp stoves are prohibited.

B. No person shall discharge or set off within any Township park or recreation area any firecrackers, torpedoes, rockets or other fireworks, without the prior approval of the Township Council.

(Amended 2-25-85 by Ord. No. 0-85-13.)

§ 65A-8. Firearms: Hunting and trapping.

A. No person shall possess, carry or discharge any firearms or weapon within or into any Township park or recreation area. Shooting with a bow and arrow is prohibited.

B. No person shall molest, trap, capture, hold, remove, injure or kill any animal, or disturb its habitat, within a Town­ship Park or recreation area.

(Amended 2-25-85 by Ord. No. 0-85-13.)

§ 65A-9. Restricted uses and areas.

A. No person shall enter upon any portion of a Township park or recreation area after dusk, except for special events approved by the Director of Recreation.

B. No person shall coast with hand sleds, bobs, skis, carts, skateboards or other vehicles on wheels, or runners within a Township Park or recreation area, except in areas so des­ignated and posted for that purpose.

C. No person shall throw, cast, catch, kick, or strike any baseball, golf ball, football, basketball or any other object within a Township park or recreational area except in areas designated and posted for that purpose.

D. No person shall bathe in any pond, stream, lake, pool or other body of water within or bordering a Township park or recreation area unless it has been designated and posted for that purpose.

E. No person shall use private boats, or canoes on any streams, lakes, ponds, or body of water within or bordering a Town­ship park or recreation area unless it has been designated for such purpose and posted for same.

F. The use of motorized or powerless flying objects or devices, either for landing or taking off, shall not be permitted in any Township park or recreation area unless it has been specifically designated and posted for that purpose or special permission has been granted by the Director of Recreation as hereinafter provided.

G. No person shall engage in any commercial enterprise, including but not limited to offering of services, solicit­ing, selling or peddling any liquids or edibles for human consumption, or distribute circulars or hawk, peddle or vend any goods, wares or merchandise within a Township park or recreation area, except when such action is approved by the Director of Recreation and the appropriate licenses shall have been issued.

H. No person shall cut, carve, paint, mark, past or fasten on any trees, fence, wall, building, monument or other object within a Township park or recreation area, any bill, adver­tisement or inscription, nor shall any person distribute, cast, throw or place any handbill, pamphlet, circular, advertisement or notice of any kind within a Township park or recreation area without written permission of the Town­ship Council.

I. No person shall tell fortunes, play at games of chance or use any gambling device within a Township park or recreation area unless the required license has been issued by the Township Clerk, and permission has been granted by the Director of Recreation.

(Amended 2-25-85 by Ord. O-85-13.)

J. Recreation Field Sign - shall mean any sign placed on any Township Recreation field, whether free standing, attached or temporary.

Regulation: All free standing, attached or temporary signs or banners located on any Township recreation field or ballfield shall be a maximum of 12 square feet. Sign shall be permitted only during the playing season, and must be removed within 15 days after the completion of the playing season. Temporary signs or banners are permitted for one day only and must be removed at the completion of the day events.

All signs and banners, whether free standing, attached or temporary must be professionally done and must be presented to the Director of the Department of Recreation for review and registration. All signs and banners must be in good taste and cannot have any references to tobacco or alcohol brands. Nothing herein shall be interpreted to exclude local business sponsorships.

Signs must be registered every two years. Temporary signs or banners must be registered daily.

Following the initial adoption of this provision, all existing signs shall be registered and if not in compliance with the regulations herein, shall be removed after the 2001 playing season.[Amended on 12-27-99 by Ord. O-99-46]

§ 65A-10. Vehicles, parking.

A. No person shall use any portion of a Township park or recreation area for the purpose of a way, except driveway, parking areas, roadways, paths, walks, trails and footpaths established for pedestrian travel by the Township Council. No person shall use any pedestrian path, walks, trails, or footpaths for vehicular travel. The use of bicycles, mopeds and motorcycles will be limited to roadways, drives and parking areas as established and open to all other vehicular traffic, within any Township park or recreation area, as may be posted and designated. Mini-bikes, go-carts and any unlicensed vehicles are prohibited from any Township park or recreation area. Bicycles, mopeds and motorcycles cannot be driven on any park or recreation area except as herein and above stated. Except, however, bicycles specifically know as foot driven pedal bikes are permitted within designated paths and trails of the Hickstown Park only, located on Hickstown Road.

B. No person shall drive or propel, or cause to be driven or propelled, along or over any road within a Township park or recreation area any vehicle at a rate of speed greater than fifteen (15) miles per hour or such other speed limit as established by the Township Council and posted along the right of way.

C. No person shall drive or propel, or cause to be driven or propelled, along or over any road, roadway, drive, driveway or parking area within a Township park or recreation area any vehicle in a reckless or careless manner or in any manner to endanger the life, limb or property of pedestrians, the drivers or occupants of other vehicles or any other person or property within a Township park or recreation area. The motor vehicle, moped, motor cycle and its operator shall be in compliance with New Jersey State Motor Vehicle License and Safety Laws.

D. No person shall park or store any motor car, motorcycle, moped, minibike, bicycle, wagon or other vehicle within a Township park or recreation area, except in areas designated and posted for such purposes. Parking areas and thoroughfares are limited to use by park patrons only and for the purpose of driving to park vehicles. Loitering in or around parked vehicles is not permitted unless special permission has been granted by the Director of Recreation as hereinafter provided.

E. No person shall set or place or cause to be set or placed any goods, wares, or merchandise or property of any kind so as to obstruct travel within a township park or recreation area.

F. No person shall enter any part of a Township park or recreation area or park roads with a commercial vehicle, except by permit issued by the Director of Recreation.

G. No person shall use park drives or parkways within a Township park or recreation area for the purpose of demonstrating any vehicle or for the purpose of learning to drive or operate any vehicle.

(Amended by Ord. No. O-13-15 on 09-09-13).

§ 65A-11. Hours of operation.

A. The hours of operation of all Township parks and recreation areas are 8:00 A.M. to Dusk.

1. The hours of operation of Veterans Park are 8:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M.

2. The hours of operation of Gloucester Township Community Park are 8:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M.

B. No person shall enter into or remain within a Township park or recreation area except during the hours the park or recreation area is open to the general public, unless written permission is granted by the Director of Recreation.

(Amended 2-25-85 by Ord.O-85-13.)[Amended 12-27-93 by Ord. O-93-64][Amended 02-25-02 by Ord. O-02-07]

§ 65A-12. Disorderly persons.

A. No person shall resist any agent or officer of the Township of Gloucester in the discharge of his/her duty or fail or refuse to obey any lawful command of any such agent or officer or in any way interfere with or hinder or prevent any such agent or officer from discharging his/her duty or in any manner assist or give aid to any person in custody to escape or attempt to escape from custody or rescue to attempt to rescue any person when in such custody.

B. No person shall falsely represent or impersonate any agent or officer or pretend to be an agent or officer of the Township of Gloucester.

C. No person shall harass, obstruct, molest, assault or inter­fere with any person lawfully within a Township park or recreation area or resist, obstruct, molest, assault or interfere with any agent or officer of the Township of Gloucester in discharge of his duty.

D. No person shall remain within a Township park or recreation area who does not abide by ordinances, rules and regulations adopted by the Township Council for the preservation of good order and the protection of property within a Township park or recreation area. No person shall remain within a Town­ship park or recreation area who does not abide by the instructions and directions of duly authorized officer, agents and employees of the Township of Gloucester in the lawful performance of their duties. Any person directed by an authorized agent, officer or employee of the Township to leave a Township park or recreation area shall do so prompt­ly and peaceably.

E. No person shall interfere with or in any manner hinder any authorized agents, officers or employees of the Township of Gloucester while engaged in constructing, repairing or caring for any park property, or interfere with any improve­ments being made within or about a township park or recre­ation area.

(Amended 2-25-85 by Ord. O-85-13)

§ 65A-13. Permits.

Application for permits as required herein shall be made to the Director of the Department of Recreation in writing at least fifteen (15) days before the proposed date of use. (Amended 2-25-85 by Ord. No. 0-85-13).

§ 65A-14. Violations and penalties.

Any person, firm or corporation violating any provisions of this ordinance shall be subject, upon conviction thereof, to a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500.) or to imprisonment for a term not to exceed sixty (60) days, or both, at the discretion of a court of competent jurisdiction. (Amended 2-25-85 by Ord. No. 0-85-13).

§ 65A-15. Repealer.

All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with this ordinance to the extent of such inconsistency be and the same are hereby repealed.

§ 65A-16. Effective date.

This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon final passage and publication as provided by law.