Chapter 87. Communicable Diseases: Contact, etc.


§ 87-1. Exclusion periods established for certain communicable diseases.

§ 87-2. Violations and penalties.

§ 87-3. Inconsistent ordinances repealed.

§ 87-4. When effective.

[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Health of the Township of Gloucester 2-2-49. Amendments noted where applicable.]

Be it ordained by the Board of Health of the Township of Gloucester, in the County of Camden and State of New Jersey as follows:

§ 87-1. Exclusion periods established for certain communicable diseases.

The following regulations in respect of the communicable diseases hereinafter set forth and relating to the exclusion of pupils from the public schools of the Township of Gloucester are hereby established.

A. Chicken pox.

1. Any pupil contracting chicken pox shall be excluded from school for a period of fourteen (14) days but may then return to and attend the public schools of the Township of Gloucester with the consent and approval of the attending physician, evidenced by a certificate duly executed by such physician and delivered to the principal of the school involved, even though other cases of this disease my exist in the same household.

2. All pupils exposed to this disease shall be excluded from the public schools of the Township of Gloucester for a period of twenty-one (21) days, provided, how­ever, that any pupil so exposed who has previously had said disease and shall submit acceptable proof thereof shall not be so excluded.

B. Mumps.

1. Any pupil contracting mumps shall be excluded from school for a period of fourteen (14) days and as long thereafter as the glands involved shall remain swollen. Such pupil may thereafter return to and attend the public schools of the Township of Gloucester with the consent and approval of the attending physician, evidenced by a certificate duly executed by such physician and delivered to the principal of the school involved, even though other cases of this disease may exist in the same household.

2. All pupils exposed to this disease shall be excluded from the pupils of the Township of Gloucester for a period of twenty-one (21) days, provided, however, that any pupil so exposed who has previously had said disease and shall submit acceptable proof thereof shall not be so excluded.

C. Measles or German measles.

1. Any pupil contracting measles or German measles shall be excluded from school for a period of fourteen (14) days but may then return to and attend the public schools of the Township of Gloucester with the consent and approval of the attending physician, evidenced by a certificate duly executed by such physician and deliver­ed to the principal of the school involved, even though other cases of this disease may exist in the same household.

2. All pupils exposed to this disease shall be excluded from the public schools of the Township of Gloucester until the expiration of the period of isolation of the last case in the household, whether such pupils shall have had or shall not have had such diseases.

D. Scarlet fever, scarlatina, scarlet rash.

1. Any pupil contracting scarlet fever shall be excluded from school for a period of twenty-one (21) days but may return to and attend the public schools of the Township of Gloucester with the consent and approval of the attending physician, evidenced by a certificate duly executed by such physician and delivered to the principal of the school involved, even though other cases of this disease may exist in the same household.

2. If the patient suffering form this disease is removed from the household, other pupils resident in that household shall be allowed to attend the public schools of the Township of Gloucester after the expiration of seven (7) days from the date of the removal of said patient, providing he or they shall have shown within such seven-day period no symptom of the disease or shall have had a negative response to a Dick test, whether or not he or they shall have had or shall not have had such disease.

3. If the patient suffering from this disease is not removed from the household, other members thereof who shall reside elsewhere temporarily shall be permitted to attend the public schools at the expiration of seven (7) days after such removal, provided that they have within such seven-day period shown no symptom of the disease or shall have had a negative response to a Dick test, whether or not they have had or shall not have had such disease.

E. Whooping cough.

1. Any pupil contracting whooping cough shall be excluded from school for a period of twenty-one (21) days and as long as thereafter as the characteristic cough of this disease shall continue. Such pupil may then return to and attend the public schools of the Township of Gloucester with the consent and approval of the attend­ing physician evidenced by a certificate duly executed by such physician and delivered to the principal of the school involved, even though other cases of this disease may exist in the same household.

2. All pupils exposed to this disease shall be excluded from the public schools of the Township of Gloucester for a period of twenty-one days, provided, however, that any pupil so exposed who has previously had said disease and shall submit acceptable proof thereof shall not be so excluded.

§ 87-2. Violations and penalties.

Any person or persons, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to a fine of not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.) or imprisonment for a term of not exceeding ninety (90) days, or both, in the discretion of a court of competent jurisdiction. Each day that such violation shall continue shall be deemed a further and separate offense under the terms of this ordinance, subject to penalties herein prescribed.

§ 87-3. Inconsistent ordinances repealed.

All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency only.

§ 87-4. When effective.

This ordinance shall take effect immediately.


Editor's Note: This section amended upon adoption of the Code, see Ch. 1, General provisions, Article I, Adoption of Code.