Chapter 63. Mercantile Licensing


§ 63-1. Title.

§ 63-2. Definitions.

§ 63-3. License required.

§ 63-4. Applications.

§ 63-5. Persons subject to license.

§ 63-6. Records; form of licenses.

§ 63-7. Investigations.

§ 63-8. Standards.

§ 63-9. Fees.

§ 63-10. Termination of license.

§ 63-11. Compliance with other provisions required.

§ 63-12. Change of location.

§ 63-13. Nuisances.

§ 63-14. Inspections.

§ 63-15. Revocation of license.

§ 63-16. Posting of license.

§ 63-17. Fee schedule; Schedule A.

§ 63-18. Fees for unclassified activities.

§ 63-19. Nonapplicability.

§ 63-20. Nontransferability of licenses.

§ 63-21. Unlicensed businesses prohibited.

§ 63-22. Non-applicability to certain transactions.

§ 63-23. Purpose of fees.

§ 63-24. Enforcement.

§ 63-25. Violations and penalties.

§ 63-26. Special provisions for certain sales.

§ 63-27. Fee-exempt organization.

§ 63-28. Additional restrictions.

§ 63-29. Repealer.

§ 63-30. Severability.

§ 63-31. When effective.

[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Council of the Township of Gloucester 9-9-77 as Ord. No. 0-76-43; Amended 9-23-77 by Ord. 0-77-28; Amended 9-28-87 by Ord. 0-87-39. Amended 10-10-94 by Ord. 0-94-46. Amendments noted where applicable.]

Be it ordained by the Township Council of the Township of Gloucester, in the County of Camden and State of New Jersey, as follows:

§ 63-1. Title.

This ordinance shall be known as the "Mercantile Licensing Ordinance of the Township of Gloucester."

§ 63-2. Definitions.

As used in this ordinance, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:

BUSINESS - As used in both the singular and plural sense, includes all kinds of vocations, occupations, professions, enter­prises, establishments and all other kinds of activities and matters, together with all devices, machines, vehicles and appurtenances used therein, any of which are conducted for private profit or benefit, either directly or indirectly, on any premises in the Township of Gloucester, as set forth in N.J.S.A. 40:52-1 and Acts amendatory and supplemental thereto.

FIRE AND OTHER ALTERED GOODS SALE - A sale held in such a manner as to reasonably cause the public to believe that the sale will offer goods damaged or altered by fire, smoke, water or other means.

GOING-OUT-OF-BUSINESS SALE - A sale held in such a manner as to reasonably cause the public to believe that upon the disposal of the stock and goods on hand, the business will cease and be discontinued, including but not limited to the following sales: adjuster's; adjust­ments; alterations; assignee's; bankrupt; benefits of administrator's; benefit of creditor's; benefit of trustee's; building coming down; closing; creditor's executor's; final days; forced out; forced out of business; insolvency; last days; lease expires; liquida­tion; loss of lease; mortgage; receiver's; trustee's and quitting business.

PERSON - Includes individual natural person, partnerships, joint ventures, societies, associations, clubs, trustees, trusts, corporations or unincorporated groups; or any officer, agent, employ­ee, servant, factor or any kind of personal representative of any thereof, in any capacity, acting either for himself or for any other person under either personal appointment or pursuant to law..

PREMISES - Includes all land, structures, places and also the equipment and appurtenances connected or used therewith in any busi­ness and also any personal property which is either affixed to or is otherwise used in connection with any such business conducted on such premises.

REMOVAL OF BUSINESS SALE - A sale held in such a manner as to reasonably cause the public to believe that the person conducting the sale will cease and discontinue business at the place of sale upon disposal of the stock and goods on hand and then move to and resume business at a new location within the Township of Gloucester or will then continue business from other existing locations in said township.

§ 63-3. License required.

It shall be unlawful for any person to conduct, engage in or carry on any business, trade, occupation or activity as enumerated in this ordinance within the Township of Gloucester or, in using any stand, store or other place or thing for which a license is required under this ordinance, without having first complied with the pro­visions of this ordinance and obtained a license therefor as herein provided. However, nothing in this ordinance shall be construed to authorize the Township of Gloucester to require a license or to regulate any person holding a license or certificate issued by any department, board, commission or other agency of the State of New Jersey.

§ 63-4. Applications:

[Amended 9-23-77 by Ord. No. 0-77-28; 3-23-81 by Ord. No. 0-81-7][Amended on 11-28-05 by Ord. O-05-46]

A. Applications for all licenses required by this ordinance shall be made in writing to the Township Clerk of the Township of Gloucester on a form prescribed by the Mayor, which the Mayor may amend from time to time to include further information necessary for the proper enforcement of this ordinance. Renewal applications must be filed no later than the last business day of the month of January each year. Each application shall contain at least the following information:

1. The name under which the business is to be conducted.

2. The name of the applicant (if a corporation, give names and addresses of the president and secretary; if a partnership, give names and addresses of all part­ners).

3. The present address of the applicant or applicants.

4. The address and location of the business to be conducted and the proposed manner and use of the premises.

5. The nature of the business and the extent thereof.

6. A statement as to whether the applicant has ever had a license to conduct the business described revoked or denied and the reason therefor.

7. Details of any arrest or convictions for misdemeanors and crimes, including the nature of the offense for which the applicant was arrested or convicted, the date of conviction and the place where said conviction was obtained.

8. The business telephone number of the applicant.

9. The name and address of the applicant's attorney, if applicable.

10. The name and address of the registered agent, if the applicant is a corporation.

11. A statement by the applicant that the information supplied in the application to induce the Township of Gloucester to issue the license is true and correct and the applicant agrees to comply with all laws and ordinances of the State of New Jersey and the Township of Gloucester applicable to the subject matter thereof.

B. [Deleted on 11-28-04 by Ord. O-05-46]

§ 63-5 .­Persons subject to license.

Whenever a license is required for the maintenance, operation or conduct of any business or establishment or for doing any business or engaging in any activity or occupation, any person or corporation shall be subject to the requirement if, by himself or through an agent, employee or partner he holds himself forth as being engaged in the business or occupation or solicits patronage therefor, actively or passively, or performs or attempts to perform any part of such busi­ness or occupation in the Township of Gloucester.

§ 63-6. Records; form of license.

All license, permits and applications therefor shall be prepared and kept on file by the Township Clerk, and each license or permit issued shall bear the signature of the Township Clerk, together with the date of issuance, in the absence of any pro­vision to the contrary.

§ 63-7. Investigations.

A. Upon receipt of an application for a license, the Township Clerk shall refer such application to the proper officials or officers for the making of the necessary investigation or inspection. The officials shall make a report thereon, favorable or otherwise, within fifteen (15) days after receiving the application or a copy thereof. The Zoning Official shall make the appro­priate zoning inspections. All other investigations, except where otherwise provided, shall be made by the Chief of Police or his designee. Before the Chief of Police shall recommend a mercantile license, he shall first make a determination that the applicant does not have a criminal record or is not presently indicted for a crime in this State of any other State which would reasonably relate to the nature of the business to be conducted by the applicant; that the proposed business would not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare of the community; that the applicant had not conducted any business in violation of any local ordinances or state statutes; that the applicant has not permitted person to conduct illegal activities on the premises of a business previously maintained in the town­ship; and that the proposed business would not be a public nuisance. [Amended on 11-24-08 by Ord. O-08-28]

B. Each above mentioned official shall maintain records of each application submitted to him or her. Said officer shall note thereon the disapproval or approval of the application and the reasons therefor, and the official shall report the same to the Township Clerk within the time herein above provided. (Added 3-23-81 by Ord. No. 0-81-7)

§ 63-8. Standards.

(Amended 5-27-81 by Ord. No. 0-81-12.)

All licenses shall be approved by the Township Clerk based upon the qualifications of the applicant and the recommendation and reports of the investigating officials. In determining whether the applicant or licensee (either upon a new application or a renewal) has complied with the general laws and statutes of the State of New Jersey and the ordinances of the Township of Gloucester, the Township Clerk shall be guided in making his determination by the following standards:

A. The Land Development Ordinance of the Township of Gloucester.

B. The provisions of the BOCA Code.

C. The Sanitary Code of the Township of Gloucester.

D. The Fire Prevention Code of the Township of Gloucester or the applicable Fire Prevention Code of the fire district.

E. Any and all other applicable regulatory codes and ordinances of the Township of Gloucester, including public health statutes and codes of the State of New Jersey, which are applicable to the Township of Gloucester.

F. The license history of the applicant regarding past violations, revocations or suspensions an the timeliness of past applications for licenses and the applicant's continued compliance with the license requirements.

§ 63-9. Fees.

A. [Deleted on 11-28-05 by Ord. O-05-46]

B. Where a license is engaged in more than one (1) activity or business as enumerated in this ordinance at the same lo­cation which may be subject to more than one (1) fee, said licensee shall be required to pay that fee which would be charged for the activity assessed the highest fee.

§ 63-10. Termination of license.

(Amended 9-23-77 by Ord. No. 0-77-28; Amended 9-28-87 by Ord. 0-87-39)

All annual licenses shall terminate on the last business day of January of each year.

§ 63-11. Compliance with other provisions required.

No license shall be issued for the conduct of any business and no permit shall be issued for any thing or act if the premises and building to be used for the proposed business or activity do not fully comply with the requirements of the township's regulatory provisions. The issuance of a Mercantile License shall not be deemed a waiver from any other necessary permits or required Certificate of Occupancy for a business premises. [Amended on 11-24-08 by Ord. O-08-28]

§ 63-12. Change of location.

The location of any licensed business or occupation or of any permitted activity may be changed, provided that ten (10) days' notice thereof is given to the Township Clerk and the approval is granted by the governing body, and provided that the requirements of all regulatory ordinances are complied with.

§ 63-13. Nuisances.

No business, licensed or not, shall be conducted, carried on or operated so as to amount to a nuisance in fact.

§ 63-14. Inspections.

Whenever inspections of the premises used for or in connection with the operation of the licensed business activity or occupation are provided for or required by ordinance or are reasonably necessary to secure compliance with any ordinance provision or to detect vio­lations thereof, it shall be the duty of the licensee or the person in charge of the premises to be inspected to admit thereto, for the purpose of making the inspection, any officer or employee of the township who is authorized or directed to make such inspections, at any reasonable time that admission is required.

§ 63-15. Revocation of license.

(Amended 5-27-81 by Ord. No. 0-81-12)

The Township Clerk shall have the right to suspend or revoke any license or permit whenever the holder thereof or any of the licensee's agent or servants violate any provision of this ordinance, the laws of the State of New Jersey or any rules or regulations promulgated as herein provided. Prior to the revocation of a license, a written notice of the contemplated action of the Township Clerk shall be served upon the licensee setting forth each charge as may be the reason for said proposed revocation and the place, date and hour when the Township Clerk will hear the matter. The licensee may be repre­sented by counsel at such hearing.

§ 63-16. Posting of license.

Licenses issued under this ordinance shall be posted at the place of business shown on said license, in a conspicuous place. Said license shall remain posted for the duration of the licensing year when issued and so long as the licensed business is in operation.

§ 63-17. Fee schedule; Schedule A.

(Amended 9-23-77 by Ord. No. 0-77-28; 5-27-82 by Ord. No.0-81-12)[Amended on 11-28-05 by Ord. O-05-46]

A. The license fees to be paid to the Township of Gloucester for conducting or engaging in the business, trade or activity classified and listed in Schedule A, attached hereto, at the place designated in the license certificate shall be as follows:

1. All businesses, trades or activities conducted in Schedule A:

New Applications $100.00

Renewal Applications $ 25.00

After March 31st - Late Fee for Renewal $ 35.00

Businesses renewing after April 30th

Will be charged as a New Application $100.00

2. Going-Out-of Business Sales, per day: $ 5.00

3. Fire-and-other-alter-goods sale per day: $ 5.00

4. Removal-of-business sales, per day: $ 5.00

B. Schedule A shall read as follows:

Types of Business

Advertising business

Antique store

Appliance, retail or wholesale

Auction, goods commonly sold at auction

Auto accessory store

Auto body shop

Auto garage, paid parking

Auto repair



Car Wash, automatic



Concession, independent within an established store


Dancing academy or studio

Delicatessen, retail food


Drugs, patent medicine and medical supplies, no luncheonette

Drugs, patent medicine and medical supplies with luncheonette

Dry cleaning, plant on premises

Dry cleaning, retail, no plant on premises

Dry good and notions

Electrical supplies


Flower plants, shrubs and garden supplies

Food and drink

Food store

Fortune teller

Fruit and produce stand, retail or wholesale

Furniture and house furnishings

Gas Station with Food Store [Added on 11-28-05 by Ord. O-05-46]

Golf course, miniature

Hardware, wholesale or retail

Health spa

Hotel or motel

Ice cream parlor

Ice dealer

Jeweler, wholesale or retail

Keys and locksmiths


Laundry business; collection and distribution

Laundry, self-service

Laundry Plant

Laundry with dry cleaning

Lumber dealer

Luncheonette, separate or in another establishment

Lunch wagon

Lunch wagon establishment

Machine shop

Meat, wholesale or retail


Miscellaneous (ice)

Motorcycle agency

Newspaper publishing

Newsstand or news dealer

Oil or fuel supplies or service

Optical goods


Photo supplies or photographs

Plumbing supplies

Pool hall, separate or as concession

Radio and television store

Restaurant, drive-in, fast food

Restaurant, sit down

Seafood business

Second hand store

Shoe repair

Sporting goods store

Stationery and supplies

Storage or warehouse

Stores not classified


Swimming pool, private or commercial


Tool rental

Trailer sales


Wood business, sale of firewood

§ 63-18. Fees for unclassified activities.

[Amended 5-27-81 by Ord. O-81-12.][Amended on 11-28-05 by Ord. O-05-46]

All businesses, trades and activities which have not been classified or listed in the schedule of license fees of this ordinance for each location, or otherwise provided for in any other licensing ordinance of the Township of Gloucester shall pay a license fee in accordance with §63-17A.1.

§ 63-19. Non-applicability.

This ordinance shall not apply to any business or occupation licensed under those various laws of this state which prohibit licens­ing by municipalities.

§ 63-20. Non-transferability of license.

No license or permit provided for by this ordinance shall be transferred from one person to another, and no license shall cover any other place of business other than that for which it was issued.

§ 63-21. Unlicensed businesses prohibited.

No person or persons shall be permitted to engage in, carry on or conduct any business under any license or permit granted under this ordinance except that business for which said license was issued.

§ 63-22. Non-applicability to certain transactions.

This ordinance shall not apply to orders taken without the township, nor to soliciting of orders by wholesale dealers from retail dealers, nor to deliveries by wholesale dealers to retail dealers, nor to the sale or delivery of newspapers, magazines or periodicals.

§ 63-23. Purpose of fees.

The fees herein imposed for business and mercantile licenses are revenue producing in nature, but said fees are used primarily in an attempt to cover the costs of administration and inspections of such businesses, to assure compliance with the laws of the State of New Jersey and the ordinances of the Township of Gloucester. It is the intent of this ordinance to ensure the fact that all business of whatever kind and where ever situate in this township shall be in­spected periodically to ensure compliance with the laws as afore­said. In certain instances there are those businesses which warrant addi­tional police surveillance and inspection. There are those business which attract an unusual amount of vehicular traffic, neces­sitating additional regulation and enforcement. These fees provide a reasonable relationship to the cost of regulation and administration.

§ 63-24. Enforcement.

The proper enforcement of the provisions of this ordinance dealing with the mercantile licenses shall be within the jurisdiction of the Township Clerk of the Township of Gloucester, Gloucester Township Police Department, and those official charged with providing the necessary inspections and regulations.

§ 63-25. Violations and penalties.

A. Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:49-5, any person, firm, association or corporation violating any section of this ordinance shall, upon conviction in the Municipal Court having juris­diction, be subject to a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.) or imprisonment in the county jail, or in any place provided by the municipality for the detention of prisoners, for any term not exceeding ninety (90) days, or both.

B. Any person convicted of the violation of any ordinance may, in the discretion of the court by which he was convicted and in default of the payment of any fine imposed therefor, be imprisoned in the county jail, or in any place of detention provided by the municipality, for any term not exceeding ninety (90) days.

C. The court before which any person is convicted of violating this ordinance shall have power to impose any fine or term or imprisonment, or suspension thereof, not exceeding the maximum fixed in this ordinance.

§ 63-26. Special provisions for certain sales.

A. For a going-out-of-business sale or removal of business sale or a fire or other altered goods sale, no person shall be granted a li­cense, unless:

1. He has been the owner of a business as described in the application for a license hereunder for a period of at least six (6) months prior to the date of the proposed sale.

2. He has not held a similar sale at the location stated in the application within one (1) year last past from the date of such application.

3. It applies to only one (1) business and is not conducted or advertised in cooperation or by participa­tion with any other business.

4. He shall file with the Township Clerk a complete inventory of goods that are to be offered for sale.

B. In such cases, the license shall:

1. Authorize only one (1) type of sale described in the application at the location named therein.

2. Authorize only the sale of goods described in the inventory filed with the Township Clerk and shall forbid additions or replacements.

3. Continue for a period not exceeding three (3) months from the date of the granting of the license and shall not be renewable, assignable or transferable.

C. The aforesaid provisions shall not apply or affect:

1. Any person acting pursuant to an order or process of a court competent jurisdiction.

2. Persons acting in accordance with their powers and duty as public officials.

§ 63-27. Fee Exempt organizations.

The Township Council of the Township of Gloucester may authorize the issuance of special permits without the payment of any license fee or other charge therefor to any public, charitable, educational, literary, fraternal or religious organization having its location in the Township of Gloucester for the conduct or operation of a temporary nonprofit enterprise for a public, charitable, educational, literary, fraternal or religious purpose. The applicant, however, shall submit the usual application form in the manner as hereinbefore required and shall operate, if granted a permit, in accordance with the re­quire­ments of this ordinance.

§ 63-28. Additional restrictions.

No person shall conduct, engage in, operate or otherwise carry on a business, licensed or not, which may constitute a danger, menace or otherwise be detrimental to the general public health, safety and welfare or make any fraudulent or false statements or misrepresen­tations in connection with the sale of goods, wares or merchandise. In addition, any applicant who shall have made any false, fraudulent or misleading statements in his application for license may be denied a license or be subject to having his license revoked.

§ 63-29. Repealer.

All ordinances and provisions thereof inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance shall be and are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency.

§ 63-30. Severability.

If any article, section, subsection, sentence. clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision or invalidity shall not affect the remaining portions or provisions of this ordinance.

§ 63-31. When effective.

This ordinance shall take effect immediately after final passage and publication in accordance with the laws of the State of New Jersey.