Chapter 68A. Manufactured Home Park Rent Stablization


[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Council of the Township of Gloucester on 03-26-01 by Ord. O-01-09]

Revised Effective January 10, 2011

68A‑1. Title

68A‑2. Definitions

68A‑3. Administration

68A‑4. Maintenance of Standards

68A-5. Proof of Taxes and Municipal Charges Paid

68A-6. Ordinance Violations

68A‑7. Establishment of Rent Increases

68A-8. Hardship Application

68A‑9. Rental Increases Restricted

68A‑10. Prohibited Increases

68A‑11. Initial Rentals

68A‑12. Violations and Penalties

68A‑13. Noncomplying Lease Provisions Void

68A‑14. Appeal to the Governing Body

68A-15. Application Fees; Escrow

68A‑16. Construction of Provisions

68A‑17. Repealer

68A‑18. Severability

68A‑19. When Effective

Township Council recognizes that the goal of rent stabilization in the Township of Gloucester is to provide economic justice to residential tenants and to protect residential tenants of the township, and residential senior citizen tenants of the township who are more or less dependent on apartment owners and mobile home park owners and have no other housing options, and to permit efficient administration and a fair, just and reasonable return to the landlords.

68A-1. Title

This Ordinance shall be known as the "Manufactured Home Park Rent Stabilization Ordinance of the Township of Gloucester".

68A‑2. Definitions

As used in this Ordinance, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:

COMPLEX ‑ A manufactured home or mobile home park with pads available for rent to tenants under the same management and trading under the same name.

DWELLING SPACE ‑ For this ordinance, a dwelling space is defined as a manufactured home pad or mobile home pad able to be utilized by a manufactured home or mobile home, and upon which said manufactured home or mobile home is placed, and offered for rent to one (1) individual or family unit, together with all privileges, services, and furnishings appurtenant thereto, including the use or occupancy of such portion of the complex as is granted by the landlord to the tenant under the lease. There shall be two (2) classes of dwellings as follows:

A. Class 1 dwelling spaces are those which the landlord does not pay for heat or other utilities used by the tenants.

B. Class 2 dwelling spaces are those which the landlord pays for heat or other utilities directly to the service provider.

JUST AND REASONABLE RATE OF RETURN ‑ A rate of return to the landlord which is not confiscatory. It should be one generally commensurate with returns on similar investments; however, an evaluation must be made of the interests of not only the investor (landlord) but also of the tenants and the general public.

LANDLORD ‑ An owner, sublessor, assignee or other person, firm, partnership or corporation receiving or entitled to receive rents or any agent of the same receiving or entitled to receive rent from a tenant of a manufactured home or mobile home park.

NET CCMUA SURCHARGE - The yearly amount charged by the Camden County Municipal Utility Authority (CCMUA) for sewer service per unit, reduced by the amount of any decrease implemented by the Gloucester Township Utility Authority for sewer service subsequent to the effective date of this Ordinance Amendment, divided by twelve (to reach a monthly surcharge amount).

OPERATIONAL YEAR ‑ The year to which the proposed rent increase is to be applied, as established by the Rent Stabilization Administrator. A new landlord may change the operational year of the complex at the time of its first application to the Administrator pursuant to this Ordinance; thereafter, the operational year shall not be changed.

REASONABLE EXPENSES ‑ Expenses of a landlord related to a complex, including but not limited to taxes and depreciation not previously compensated for through tax savings or other such means, utilities, insurance, maintenance, reasonable repairs, vacancy allowances and uncollectibles.

REASONABLE RENTAL ‑ A statement of rental value which includes a showing of the age, character, locality, appurtenant amenities and state of repair of the site improvements of a manufactured home or mobile home park, as well as comparable rentals for similar properties located within the Township.

TENANT - For this ordinance only, an individual who owns and/or occupies a manufactured home or mobile home located in a manufactured home or mobile home park within Gloucester Township, which complex is subject to the provisions of this Ordinance, and which individual is otherwise residing within said manufactured home or mobile home pursuant to a valid lease and whose rents are affected by this Ordinance.

68A-3. Administration

The administration of the Rent Stabilization Ordinance shall include the powers necessary and incidental to carry out and execute the purposes of this Ordinance. The powers granted;

a. All terms and provisions of '68-3 as set forth therein shall also be applicable to this Chapter and Chapter 68.

b. The Administrator shall function the same and shall have the same duties and responsibilities for Chapter 68A as for Chapter 68. All terms and provisions of '68-3 are hereby incorporated by reference herein as '68A-3, as same may be needed in order to fully function to accomplish the intent and purposes of this Chapter.

68A-4. Maintenance of Standards

A. Whether or not the landlord is seeking a rent increase, he must at all times maintain the same standards of service, maintenance, furniture, furnishings, recreational facilities and landscaping as he is required to do by law or by the terms of the lease at the date the lease was entered into. The intent of this paragraph is to have the landlords maintain their facilities at all times, and to upgrade their facilities for the betterment of the community. Any fraudulent inducement by the landlord which results in the signing of the lease by the tenant shall be considered by the Administrator in its determination.

B. Any individual tenant or class of tenants who are not receiving the same standards of service, maintenance, furniture, furnishings, recreational facilities or landscaping which existed at the signing of the lease may petition to the Administrator for a rent reduction in view of the deficiency. The tenant or class of tenants shall pay the reduced rent as determined by the Administrator as the full payment of rent until the landlord proves that the deficiency has been corrected. The Administrator shall determine the reduced rent by using the following suggestive, but not exclusive guidelines:

1. Violation of the applicable housing, building, maintenance or sanitary code.

2. Nature of the deficiency or defect as it affects habitability.

3. The potential and actual effect of the deficiency or defect upon safety, security and sanitation of the dwelling and surrounding area.

4. Length of time of the existence of the deficiency or defect.

5. Age of the structure.

6. Amount of rent.

7. Any responsibility of the tenant for the creation of the defect or deficiency, or denial of access to correct the deficiency or defective condition.

68A-5. Proof of Taxes and Municipal Charges Paid

No application for any rental increase either under '' 68A-7(A), 68A-7(B) or 68A-8, shall be accepted by the Administrator as complete unless proof of payment of all real estate taxes, municipal utility authority service charges and CCMUA, through the appropriate official financial director/administrator, executive director, etc., indicating that arrangements have been made for payments and that this requirement can be waived.

68A-6. Ordinance Violations

No application for any rental increase either under ' 68A-7 or 68A-8, shall be accepted by the Administrator as complete while there is pending any charge before the Municipal Court of the Township of Gloucester, or any other Court of competent jurisdiction, for a violation of this Ordinance or any other ordinance of the Township of Gloucester that relates to public health, safety and welfare, or whenever a violation of this Ordinance or any other ordinance of the Township of Gloucester relating to public health, safety and welfare remains unabated by the Landlord.

68A-7. Establishment of Rent Increases

Establishment of a rent increase between a landlord and a tenant to whom this Ordinance is applicable shall be determined by this section of this Ordinance. The percent increases in ' 68A-7(A) are not mandatory increases, and the Administrator must consider the criteria set forth in ' 68A‑4. Failure of an applicant to meet the criteria set forth in ' 68A‑4 may result in the granting an increase less than that applied for.

A. Standard Rent Increase Procedure:

1. An annual increase of up to three (3%) percent for Class 1 dwelling spaces; and two and one-half (2.5%) percent for Class 2 dwelling spaces may be granted by the Administrator if the landlord provides the Administrator with a complete application, including but not limited to a copy of a proper termination notice pursuant to applicable law pertaining to the units and proof that service thereof was made on each affected tenant at least ninety (90) days prior to the effective date stated in the notice.

2. The notice must state that the landlord has applied for a rent increase, that the tenancy established at the outset of the leasehold is hereby terminated and that a new tenancy may be created by the parties at an increased rental, if approved. If the Administrator is not provided with proof of the proper service of this notice by the required time, the application shall be incomplete. The termination notice must include a statement that the tenant has a right at any time during the term of the tenancy to petition the Administrator for a reduction of rent for defects or deficiencies that have not been corrected or otherwise remain unabated.

3. The landlord must also submit to the Administrator a sworn statement that the maintenance and security standards for the complex as set forth in ' 68A‑4 have been complied with. The Administrator may require the submission of any other information, including more detailed information relating to maintenance standards, security standards and expenditures, which it deems necessary or proper for its deliberation.

4. The landlord must also submit a schedule of rental rates for the previous operational year for all pad units in the complex by providing the rent rolls with the categories listed below.

a. Pad address

b. Tenant

c. Base rent approved

d. Rent presently charged

e. Term of lease

f. Lease expiration date

5. The Administrator may grant less than the increase requested after considering various factors, including but not limited to the reasonable rental value of the dwelling spaces and the landlord's overall maintenance of standards in the complex as set forth in ' 68A‑4.

B. Rate of Return Increase Procedure. An annual rental increase in excess of that set forth in ' 68A‑7 (A) may be granted to the landlord by the Administrator, provided that the Administrator is supplied with the following:

1. Proof of service of the termination notice as required in ' 68A‑7 (A).

2. A schedule of rental rates for the previous operational year as required in ' 68A-7(A).

3. A statement setting forth the estimated reasonable expenses and all other reasonable costs for the operational year, by providing the following:

a. Statement of financial condition (balance sheet) for the period ended in the application (no more than sixty (60) days prior to the filing of application).

b. Statement of revenue for the period ended in the application (no more than sixty (60) days prior to the filing of the application). This statement should include:

(1) Gross rents (per rent roll) less:

(a) Vacancy

(b) Uncollectibles

(c) Employee units (or pads)

(2) Net rents

(3) Other income

(4) Total revenue

c. Statement of operating expenses for the period ended in the application (no more than sixty (60) days prior to filing the application). The operating expenses should be detailed enough to make an analysis of the expenses meaningful. The operating expenses shall not include depreciation or interest expenses.

d. Comparative statement of operations. This statement will show side by side the revenue and operating expenses for the current year and the two (2) preceding years on an actual basis and for the year under review on an actual basis if available and for the year under review on an estimated basis, if projected. The projection should assume no rental increase.

e. Statement of changes in financial position.

f. Analysis of operating expenses. The applicant should furnish a detailed analysis of costs in the following areas for the then most recent and the projected operational years:

(1) Payroll

(a) Position

(b) Duties

(c) Hours worked

(d) Salary of wages

(2) Calculation of fringe benefits and payroll taxes.

(3) Maintenance

(a) Description of maintenance performed by own staff and cost

(b) Maintenance performed by outside contractors

(c) Major repairs and cost

(d) Replacement of carpeting and appliances and cost

(e) Other items

(4) Utilities. The applicant should furnish a breakdown of the types of utility. Where a tenant pays his own utilities, a statement should be provided by the utility as to the average cost to the tenant.

(5) Management fees

(a) Rate

(b) Relationship of owners of the management company to the landlord

(c) Duties performed and services rendered for which the fee is collected

4. A statement setting forth the reasonable rental of property. The statement should address but not be limited to:

a. Comparable rents being charged at other complexes

b. Rate of return on investment

c. Capital investment to maintain complex

5. A schedule showing the original cost of the investment and capitalized expenditures since date of purchase.

6. Statement of value. This can consist of a statement by the landlord or an appraiser's report. However, the establishment of value must be fully explained and disclosed.

7. Statement of return. The landlord must calculate present rate of return the increase will yield. The rate of return must be substantiated as being reasonable for the type of investment and risk involved. Comparison to similar type of investments and their yields should be discussed.

8. Certification by the landlord as to the accuracy of all financial statements. The landlord's certification should be accompanied by an audited financial statement as prepared by a certified public accountant as prescribed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

9. For a rate of return increase application, the burden of proof in regards to value computation, the reasonableness of expenses, reasonable rental value, inadequacy of rate of return and all items pertaining thereto is on the applicant. If determined necessary, the Administrator may consult an auditor, accountant or real estate appraiser, appointed by the Township, to provide an examination of all documents supplied by the applicant, as well as other relevant information, and to present findings to the Administrator as part of the hearing on the rate of return application.

10. A property owner cannot submit a rate of return application whereby more than one (1) complex is mentioned therein. A property owner will not be permitted to subsidize a complex which yields inadequate return out of its profits derived from other complexes or concealed by averaging it together with other complexes.

11. In determining the value of real property, the Administrator may consider evidence using various means of computation, such as depreciated replacement costs, market value based on sales of comparable properties or any soundly conceived method which the parties may suggest, such as assessed valuation or original cost depreciated.

12. The landlord must provide the Administrator with the aforementioned information at least sixty (60) days prior to a hearing on a rate of return application. Failure of the landlord to provide the Administrator with this information shall make the application incomplete.

C. A completed standard rental increase or rental decrease application shall be filed with the Administrative Officer at least ninety (90) days prior to the requested date for determination. Once an applicant has filed a complete application, and the Administrator has conducted a review, at which time all interested parties may be present, the Administrator shall render his decision within ninety (90) days, unless extended with the consent of the applicant. Upon failure to do, such application, at the expiration of such time, unless otherwise extended with the consent of the applicant, shall be deemed to be denied in the same manner as though the Administrator has rendered a decision to that effect.

D. No increase or decrease shall become effective until the date of operational year or after the date of the Administrator’s final decision.

E. Any rental increase or rental decrease granted shall be rounded up or down to the nearest dollar.

F. If an application is postponed by an applicant, for whatever reason, for over one hundred eighty (180) days after filing, then the application shall be deemed to have been denied without prejudice. If an application is not complete at the time of the initial hearing date, and remains incomplete for over one hundred eighty (180) days beyond the filing date, then the application shall be deemed to have been denied without prejudice. For any application deemed automatically denied without prejudice by these provisions, the original application fees paid shall be nonrefundable; a new application, including new fees, shall be required to be submitted by the applicant if the applicant desires to seek approval for a rental increase. An applicant may submit a maximum of two (2) applications for each operational year; if these two applications are denied without prejudice pursuant to this provision, no further application may be submitted by that applicant for the same operational year. An applicant may withdraw an application at any time; if an applicant withdraws an application less than seven (7) calendar days prior to the initial hearing date, then the application fees paid shall be non-refundable. An applicant may withdraw a maximum of two (2) applications for each operational year; if two (2) applications are withdrawn by the application for the same operational year, no further application may be submitted by that applicant for the same operational year.

G. Miscellaneous Fees

1. As part of a landlord's application for a rent increase, a landlord shall submit a schedule of all Miscellaneous Fees which are being charged to the tenants of its complex. This Miscellaneous Fee Schedule shall include:

a. The nature or type of the miscellaneous fee;

b. The amount charged for each fee;

c. The method by which the landlord has arrived at the charge; and

d. Any other information, including expenses incurred, which the landlord intends to present to justify the reasonableness of its charges.

2. The Administrator, at the time of the review on the landlord's application for a rent increase, shall consider the Miscellaneous Fees to be charged and, based on the reasonableness of the charges, shall approve, disapprove or modify said charges. All future increases for Miscellaneous Fees as originally set by the Administrator are prohibited unless first approved by upon application by the landlord after notice to the tenants in accordance with the same notice requirements as provided for the application for rent increase.

3. For the purpose of this Ordinance, Miscellaneous Fees shall be any consideration, including cash, property, services, or otherwise, given by a tenant to a landlord in addition to the actual rent paid for the right to occupy a dwelling unit, for any amenity, service or property provided by or offered by the landlord, including such items as pool fees, pet fees, short-term fees, guest fees, late charges, restoration fees, bad check charges, as well as variations of any of the above.

4. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary as may otherwise be contained in this Miscellaneous Fees section, a landlord may apply just for a new Miscellaneous Fee charge or a Miscellaneous Fee increase separate from a landlord's application for a rent increase. For such a separate application, the landlord shall pay the same application fees as would be applicable to a separate Net CCMUA Surcharge application as those fees are set forth in ' 68A-15(C).

H. Net CCMUA Surcharge:

1. A surcharge may be granted by the Administrator upon the complete and proper application by a landlord. Such surcharge shall be limited to the Net CCMUA Surcharge and to no other charges. Such surcharge shall be separate and distinct from the monthly rental amount due landlord, and shall not be used as a basis for subsequent percentage rental increases pursuant to '' 68A-7(A), 68A-7(B) or 68A-8.

2. A complete and proper application for a Net CCMUA Surcharge requires the submission of the following by the landlord, otherwise pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of ' 68A-7(A).

a. Application fee in accordance with ' 68A-16(C), unless this application for Net CCMUA Surcharge is combined with another application under this Ordinance.

b. Proof of taxes and municipal charges being paid in accordance with ' 68A-6.

c. Proof from the Camden County Municipal Utility Authority that: (a) the subject complex is effectively hooked-up or tied-in to the regional CCMUA system, and that (b) all sewer charges for the complex have been paid to date. Notwithstanding the above, an applicant may apply for a Net CCMUA Surcharge prior to the actual hook-up into the system and the billing therefore, without the above-stated proofs if they are not yet available, but in no event shall the Net CCMUA Surcharge be charged to tenants until such time as hook-up is effective. The amount of any initial Net CCMUA Surcharge shall be based upon the actual amount billed by the Camden County Municipal Utilities Authority; in the event the CCMUA bills are less than the anticipated amount, then the tenants shall receive a credit for any overpayment.

d. A Net CCMUA Surcharge schedule computing the proposed surcharge for each rental unit, the current rent the current rent plus surcharge amount and the percentage of increase due to the surcharge.

e. Affidavit or certification from the applicant that the CCMUA sewer charges are being charged for all units for which the surcharge is being applied for or an explanation of which units (and why) the sewer charges are not being charged (i.e., units no longer being rented, with an explanation as to why no longer being rented.)

f. Proof in the form of a statement from the Gloucester Township Municipal Utility Authority of the amount of reduction, if any, in their sewer service charge resulting from the connection to the CCMUA regional system or a statement that no reduction has been made.

g. Notice to the tenants, on forms approved by the Administrative Officer of the Rent Stabilization and proof that service thereof was made on each affected tenant at least ninety (90) days prior to the scheduled hearing.

3. Notice of the Net CCMUA Surcharge application shall be made pursuant to the notice provisions as set forth in ' 68A-7(A) modified to reflect a Net CCMUA Surcharge application.

4. Failure of an application to meet the criteria set forth in ' 68A-4: "Maintenance of Standards" may result in denying the Net CCMUA Surcharge application.

5. A Net CCMUA Surcharge may be granted only once to each unit in a complex; said surcharge shall continue indefinitely but shall terminate upon the cessation of CCMUA sewer charges to that unit, for whatever reason. Notwithstanding this provision, the granted Net CCMUA Surcharge amount may be automatically increased or decreased by the amount of an increase or decrease in the amount charged by the CCMUA for sewer service per unit, divided by twelve (to reach a monthly increase amount). Similarly, the granted Net CCMUA Surcharge amount shall be decreased automatically by the amount of any reduction made by the Gloucester Township Municipal Utility Authority for sewer service subsequent to the effective date of the surcharge, divided by twelve (to reach a monthly reduction amount). A landlord shall be required to submit proofs of the current Net CCMUA Surcharge, as computed, as part of any subsequent rental application before the Administrator, either under ' 68A-8(A), ' 68A-8(B) or ' 68A‑9.

68A-8. Hardship Application

A landlord, if qualifying, may apply for a hardship increase application. A hardship increase may be applied for at any time during the landlord's operational year. The landlord must comply with all notice provisions applicable to a standard rent increase [' 68A-8(A)] as set forth in this Ordinance. A hardship application requires the same financial data presented for a rate of return increase pursuant to ' 68A-7(B), except that items may be waived by the Administrator as appropriate, upon the advice of an accountant retained by the Administrator. Additionally, the applicant shall submit the following:

A. Tax returns for the three (3) most recent years.

B. A statement from the landlord outlining the tax benefits accrued to the owners.

C. A cash-flow statement, including debt service, for the most recent three year period and the project year.

D. A statement of indebtedness:

1. To whom owed

2. Payment terms

3. Interest rate

4. Collateral

5. Guaranties by owner

68A-9. Rental Increases Restricted

A. No landlord, after the effective date of this Ordinance, shall increase any rents of tenants of a complex subject to this Ordinance without first having made application therefore and complying with the provisions of this Ordinance and therefore receiving approval of such increase.

B. A rental increase, except for a Hardship Application pursuant to ' 68A-8 above, shall be granted by the Administrator only once within a twelve-month period.

C. Notwithstanding any provision contained within this Chapter to the contrary, the landlord of a Manufactured Home Park or Mobile Home Park may nevertheless increase the rent being charged to the tenant of a particular dwelling space (i.e., a mobile home pad unit) without the prior approval of the Administrator under the following circumstances:

1. Upon the sale or transfer of the ownership or right of occupancy of a dwelling space, the initial rent charged to the new transferee or occupant of that dwelling space may be adjusted by the landlord by an amount that is equal to one-half (50%) of the difference between the then current rent and Fair Market Rent, which increase shall be known as the First Rent Increase.

2. Upon any subsequent sale or non-exempt transfer of the ownership or right of occupancy of the same dwelling space, the landlord may thereafter increase the then current base rent to the then Fair Market Rent, which increase shall be known as the Second Rent Increase.

3. In the event that a subsequent sale or non-exempt transfer as contemplated by subparagraph 2 above does not occur within five (5) years after the initial sale or transfer (per subparagraph 1 above), then the landlord may nevertheless thereafter increase the then current base rent to the then Fair Market Rent, but such Second Rent Increase shall be phased in at the rate of twenty (20) percent per year of the amount of the Second Rent Increase over a five (5) year period of time, which increase shall be known as the Phased-In Increase.

4. Any new rent duly established by either subparagraph 1 (First Rent Increase), subparagraph 2 (Second Rent Increase) or subparagraph 3 (Phased-In Increase) above will thereafter be deemed the base rent under this Chapter and shall be subject to all other rent increase provisions contained within this Chapter.

5. Exempted from any of the rental increases (i.e., First Rent Increase, Second Rent Increase or Phased-In Increase) of this provision ('68A-9(C) are interspousal transfers (e.g., upon the death of a spouse or transfers from estate planning purposes where there is no actual change in tenancy) and subleases if the landlord, in its sole discretion, permits same.

6. Once the landlord of a Manufactured Home Park or Mobile Home Park adjusts the rent being charged to a tenant of a particular dwelling space under either subparagraph 2 or subparagraph 3 above without the prior approval of the administrator as so allowed, such that Fair Market Rent has been achieved through a Second Rent Increase or Phased-In Increase, then all subsequent rent increases shall otherwise be in accordance with this Chapter.

7. For the purposes of this provision ('68A-10(C), the Fair Market Rent shall be Four Hundred Twenty-Five ($425.00) Dollars, which Fair Market Rent amount shall be effective through December 31,2004. After January 1, 2005, the determination of Fair Market Rent shall be made by the Administrator through the submission by the landlord of comparable rents charged as comparable mobile home parks not subject to rent control or rent stabilization. The Administrator shall establish this new Fair Market Rent upon written application of a landlord after due notice for a public hearing as otherwise required within this Chapter, and the payment of an application fee of $250.00. Upon proper application by a landlord, the Administrator shall determine a new Fair Market Rent within ninety (90) days of such application. [Amended on 05-28-03 by Ord. O-03-15]

68A-10. Prohibited Increases

Any rental increases authorized pursuant to this Chapter shall take effect at the expiration of the term of a lease or upon termination of a periodic tenancy. Prorated or partial increases are prohibited and any such prorated increase (for less than a month) shall be void. Any increase authorized for an operational year, but not actually implemented by the Landlord within said operational year, shall be deemed waived and shall thereafter be void; as intended by this prohibition, if a tenant is not actually paying the approved monthly rental amount, or any portion thereof, then it is deemed not to be "actually implemented". Any rental increase in excess of that authorized under this Chapter shall be void.

68A-11. Initial Rentals

The landlord of a manufactured home or mobile home pad being rented for the first time shall not be restricted in the rent charged for such dwelling. Any subsequent rent increases, however, shall be subject to the provisions of this Ordinance.

68A-12. Violations and Penalties

An intentional violation of any provision of this Ordinance, including but not limited to the willful filing with the Administrator of any material misstatement of fact, shall be a disorderly person’s offense and shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding two hundred ($200.00) dollars. Each day that a violation occurs shall be considered a separate offense. A violation affecting more than one (1) leasehold unit shall be considered separate offenses.

68A-13. Non-complying Lease Provisions Void

Any provision of a lease or other agreement whereby any provision of this Ordinance is waived shall be deemed against public policy and shall be voided.

68A-14. Appeal to the Governing Body

A. Any interested tenant may appeal to the governing body, or as designated, any final decision of the Administrator on any application for rental increases set forth in ' 68A-7(A). Such appeal shall be made within forty-five (45) days of the date of such final decision. The appeal to the governing body shall be made by serving the Municipal Clerk in person or by certified mail with a notice of appeal specifying the grounds thereof and the name and address of the appellant and the name and address of his attorney, if represented. Such appeal shall be decided by the governing body or as may be designated only upon the filed information.

B. Notice of the meeting to review the record shall be given by the governing body by personal service or certified mail to the appellant, to the landlord at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the meeting.

C. The governing body shall conclude a review of the record below not later than forty-five (45) days from the date of receipt unless the appellant consents in writing to an extension of such period. Upon the filing of an appeal, the Municipal Clerk shall order the filed information, the cost of which is to be paid by the Appellant. Failure of the governing body to hold a hearing and conclude a review of the record and to render a decision within such specified period without written consent of the appellant shall constitute a decision confirming the action of the administrator.

D. The governing body may reverse, remand or affirm, wholly or in part, or may modify the final decision of the Administrator.

E. An appeal to the governing body, or as designated, shall stay all proceedings in furtherance of the action in respect to which the decision appealed from was made, including the implementation of any rent increase.

F. The governing body or as designated, shall mail a copy of the decision to the appellant or, if represented then to his attorney, without separate charge and for a reasonable charge to any interested party who has requested it, not later than ten (10) days after the date of the decision.

G. Nothing in this Ordinance shall be construed to restrict the right of any party to obtain a review by any court of competent jurisdiction according to law.

68A-15. Application Fees; Escrow

A. An application pursuant to ' 68A-7(A) shall be accompanied by an application fee computed by multiplying the number of dwelling units by two ($2.00) dollars per dwelling unit, but in no event shall the fee be less than two hundred ($200.00) dollars, except in the case of six (6) or less rental spaces contained in any single complex, which application fee shall then be fifty ($50.00) dollars.

B. Escrow

1. An application filed pursuant to ' 68A-8(B) or ' 68A-9, in addition to the application fee set forth in ' 68A-15(A) above, shall be accompanied by an escrow deposit computed by multiplying the number of dwelling units by three ($3.00) dollars per dwelling unit, but in no event shall the fee be less than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) dollars for 25 units or less, or three thousand ($3,000.00) dollars for 26 units or more.

2. The total deposit collected pursuant to ' 68A-15(B)(1) above shall be placed in an escrow account with the Gloucester Township Housing Authority, to be applied to the payment for any services rendered by an accountant, auditor, stenographer, or real estate appraiser retained by the Administrator pursuant to ' 68A-7(B)(9).

3. Within sixty (60) days after the completion of proceedings before the Administrator on an application for a rent increase filed pursuant to ' 68A-7(B) or ' 68A-8, the Gloucester Township Housing Authority shall apply any balance remaining in the escrow account as payment for the services of any accountant, auditor., stenographer or real estate appraiser whose professional services were utilized by the Administrator. If there remains any balance, it shall be refunded to the applicant. If a deficit in the escrow account occurs due to unpaid bills for any accountant, auditor, stenographer or real estate appraiser, then the applicant shall post such additional escrow needed to bring the balance to zero; no rental increase granted, in the event there is a deficit balance in the escrow account, shall not be effective until such time as the deficit is fully paid.

C. Net CCMUA Surcharge/Miscellaneous Fees

An application pursuant to ' 68A-7(G) Miscellaneous Fees and/or pursuant to ' 68A-7(H) Net CCMUA Surcharge, if not combined with another application under this Ordinance, shall be accompanied by an application fee as follows:

1-5 Units Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars

6-100 Units Fifty ($50.00) Dollars

Over 100 Units One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars

68A-16. Construction of Provisions

This Ordinance, being necessary for the protection of the health, safety and welfare of the Township of Gloucester, its inhabitants and citizens, shall be liberally construed to effectuate the purposes thereof.

68A-17. Repealer

All ordinances and provisions thereof inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance shall be and are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency.

68A-18. Severability

If any article, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision or invalidity shall not affect the remaining portions or provisions of this Ordinance.

68A-19. When Effective

This Ordinance shall take effect immediately (January 10, 2011) after final passage and publication in accordance with the laws of the State of New Jersey.