Chapter 64A. Municipal Pool


§ 64A-1. Short Title

§ 64A-2. Definitions

§ 64A-3. Membership

§ 64A-4. Membership Fees

§ 64A-5. Refund

§ 64A-6. Registration

§ 64A-7. Guests

§ 64A-8. Operation of Pool

§ 64A-9. Rules and Regulations

§ 64A-10. Enforcement of rules and Regulations

§ 64A-11. Posting of Rules and Regulations

§ 64A-12. Severability

§ 64A-13. Inconsistency

§ 64A-14. Effective Date

[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Council of the Township of Gloucester on March 14, 1988 by Ordinance 0-88-9. Amendments Noted where applicable.]

BE IT ORDAINED by the Township Council of The Township of Gloucester, County of Camden, State of New Jersey as follows:

§ 64A-1. Short Title

This Ordinance shall be known and may be cited as the "Gloucester Township Municipal Pool Ordinance."

§ 64A-2. Definitions

For the purpose of this Ordinance, the following words, terms and phrases shall have the definition or meaning hereinafter indicated. All words, terms and phrases shall have their general accepted and common meaning unless otherwise provided or indicated by usage in the context of this Ordinance.

MEMBERSHIP - LIMITED - that class of membership (family or single) permitting use of the pool and facilities during operat­ing hours only on weekdays (Mondays through and including Fri­days) excluding Saturdays and Sundays, during the Limited Member­ship Operating Season.

MEMBERSHIP - REGULAR - that class of membership (family or single) permitting use of the pool and facilities during operat­ing hours every day of the week including Saturday and Sunday, during Regular Membership Operating Season.

OPERATING SEASON - that period of time between opening day and closing day during which Gloucester Township Municipal Pool will be in operation for the use of members.

A. Limited Membership Operating Season commences the Monday following the close of Gloucester Township Schools and terminates on the Tuesday following Labor Day.

B. Regular membership Operating Season commences on the day after the Gloucester Township Public Elementary and Middle Schools close. The season terminates on the Tuesday following Labor Day.[Amended on 03-11-02 by Ord. O-02-06]

OPERATING HOURS - hours of the day during which the Gloucester Township Municipal Pool will be in operation for the use of members.

§ 64A-3. Membership

A. Membership in the Gloucester Township Municipal Pool shall be restricted to residents of Gloucester Township and the Township reserves to require satisfactory proof of residency at the time of registration or at any other time during the term of membership.

§ 64A-4. Membership Fees

Membership fees shall be paid to The Township of Gloucester at the time of registration at the Gloucester Township Municipal Building in accordance with the following schedule:


A. FAMILY ..................................................$200.00

B. SINGLE (one person)...............................$100.00


A. FAMILY...................................................$150.00

B. SINGLE (one person)................................$ 75.00


A. FAMILY ..................................................$125.00

B. SINGLE.....................................................$ 60.00


Guest Fee at the Door.....................................$ 5.00

5 Visit Guest Pass...........................................$ 15.00


Two Hour Pool Rental Weekend Nights......$100.00

plus expenses for as many lifeguards as may be needed [Amended on 02-02-02 by Ord. 0-02-05, Chapter 51, Fees]

§ 64A-5. Refund

All requests for refund of membership fees shall be made in writing and submitted to the Office of the Recreation Department on or before and no later than two (2) weeks following the opening day for the respective classes of Memberships. No refund will be made if the request for refund is not timely submitted. Those requesting refunds will encounter a short delay before actual refund payment can be made.

§ 64A-6. Registration

A. Registration for Membership in the Gloucester Township Municipal Pool will be conducted by the Recreation Department of the Township and held in the Municipal Building of the Township of Gloucester. The Recreation Department will post on the bulletin board in the Municipal Building and publish in the official newspaper notice of the time and day as well as fees for membership registration, at least 10 days in advance of the date of registration.

B. Registration for Membership in the Gloucester Township Pool must

be done in person by any family member for a Family Membership or by the individual for a Single Membership. Inas­much as membership will be issued on a First-come First-serve Basis, there will be no registration by proxy.

C. Anyone registering for Membership in the Gloucester Municipal Pool must be at least 18 years of age or accompanied by a parent or legal guardian whose signature must appear on the Membership registration form.

D. Any willful or deliberate misrepresentation of any information (including family size) required on the registration form will result in revocation of Membership without refund.

E. All membership fees as herein provided shall be paid at the time of registration and a copy of the Rules and Regulations for the Gloucester Township Municipal Pool will be distributed to each registrant at the time of registration.

§ 64A-7. Guests

A. Guests shall be permitted in accordance with and subject to provisions of this Ordinance and all applicable Rules and Regulations

B. The number of guests shall be limited. The daily limit for a Family Membership shall be four (4) guests. The daily limit for Single Membership shall be two (2) guests. All guests must be accompanied by a member in order to enter and utilize the pool facilities.

C. Payment of a guest fee shall entitle the guest to utilize the pool facilities only for that day. So long as the required daily fees are paid there is no limitation on the number of times a guest may visit and utilize the pool facilities.

D. Guest fees shall be paid at the pool site.

E. Members shall be responsible for the behavior of his, her or their guests and observance of The Rules and Regulations by said guests.

§ 64A-8. Operation of Pool

A. Except in the case of an unforeseen problem or emergency, the Gloucester Township Municipal Pool will open full time for the use of all Members, commencing the day after the Gloucester Township Public Elementary and Middle Schools close. All members (Regular as well as Limited Members) will be able to attend and utilize pool facilities the Monday after the close of the Gloucester Township schools. The Municipal Pool will close for the year the Tuesday following Labor Day.

B. During the operating season the Gloucester Township Pool will be open Mondays through Fridays from 12 noon until 8:00 P.M. and on Saturdays and Sundays from 11:00 AM until 6:00 PM.

C. The pool will be closed during inclement weather or in the case of an emergency. However, it is possible that the pool may be closed for only a few hours and then re-opened. If the weather is questionable, information regarding the pool may be obtained by calling the pool directly at 228-0487.

D. There is a parking area provided for use of the members and guests. All vehicles entering the parking area must do so slowly and with great caution, being careful and mindful that there may be children in the parking lot area and driveways. All vehicles must park in the designated parking spaces, between the lines provided. All bicycles must be left outside the fence area and secured. The Township will not be responsible for any theft of or damage to any vehicles or bicycles.

E. After operating hours on Saturdays and Sundays during the operating season the pool may be reserved for use by non-profit Township Organizations for a single occasion at a fee of $100.00 plus expenses for as many lifeguards as may be needed.

[Amended on 03-11-02 by Ord. O-02-06]

§ 64A-9. Rules and Regulations

A. General Rules

1. Pool personnel cannot check valuables or store them in an area for you. The Township it agents and employees are not responsible for lost or stolen articles. We do have a lost and found in the pool office.

2. Any willful property damage will be charged to the member who performed or caused the damage or vandalism.

3. No persons other than pool members, their guests and pool employees are permitted within the "fenced-in" pool grounds.

4. No smoking, eating or drinking is permitted in the Pool or pool area. Picnic areas are reserved for these Activities, so please use the picnic tables. Also, please keep the picnic tables open for these purposes. Do not leave towels, clothing, etc. in these areas or remain at one table for your entire visit. Smoking is pemitted in the picnic areas.

5. Alcohol in any form is strictly prohibited on Township property (driveways, building, pool, tennis courts, etc.)

6. Food can be purchased at the snack bar or brought in from home.

7. No glass bottles, containers, etc. shall be permitted on the premises.

8. Cooking is not permitted inside or outside the pool area. (9) Persons under the influence of drugs or alcohol will not be permitted entrance to the pool area or facilities.

B. Use of pool

1. All members are required to have picture I.D. (photo membership cards) in order to use the pool. Notice of the time and date of picture taking will be posted/handed out at time of registration.

2. Photo membership cards will be issued to all pool members. Said cards must be left at the desk upon entering the pool area and will be returned upon leaving.

3. Children who are still using diapers may not use pool.

4. Diving in and from the shallow end of the pool is prohibited.

5. Running, pushing or fighting as well as undue disturbance or disorderly conduct is prohibited.

6. Distracting or loitering near the life guards while on duty is prohibited.

7. Floatation devices (large) are prohibited in the pool. When in doubt, check with the life guard or manager on duty.

8. All ball-playing in the pool or pool area is prohibited.

9. Wearing "cut-offs" or "street clothes" in the pool is prohibited.

10. Spitting and nose blowing are not permitted in the pool.

11. All members and guests with severe colds, open cuts, bandages, blisters, excessive sunburn, inflamed eyes, or nasal or ear discharges are not permitted in the pool.

12. Profanity is not permitted and will not be tolerated.

13. Use of the baby pool is limited to children under eight years of age. All children under eight must be accompanied by an adult. Diapers are not allowed in baby pool.

C. Diving area

1. All floatation devices are prohibited in diving area.

2. Only one person is permitted on the diving board at a time.

3. Pushing or shoving-off the board is prohibited.

4. Any adult or child who, in the life guard or manager's opinion, should not be in the deep end (12 feet), will be asked to leave said area.

D. Tennis and Basketball Courts

1. The tennis and basketball courts located at the Municipal Pool are Township owned and can be used by the general public during the following hours, Monday through Friday 10:00 A.M. until 8:00 P.M. and Saturday and Sunday 10:00 A.M. until 6:00 P.M. Non- pool members may use these facilities as well as members.

2. Unless no one is waiting, playing tennis and basketball will be limited to 45 minutes.

3. Sneaks must be worn on the courts. Shoes, sandals bare feet and black sole shoes are not permitted.

4. Skate boards and bicycles are not permitted on the courts.

5. All equipment such as: racquets, tennis balls, basketballs, etc. must be provided by the users.

§ 64A-10. Enforcement of rules and regulations

A. The life guard or manager on duty has complete authori­ty to discipline any member or guest abusing his or her pool privileges or violating the Rules and Regulations.

B. Except in the case of a flagrant or serious violation, it shall be the policy that a minor infraction of the Rules and Regulations will usually result in a verbal reprimand and warning, the second minor infraction will usually result in a penalty of spending 15 minutes on the bench and the third minor infraction will usually result in a penalty of spending 30 minutes on the bench.

C. More serious, flagrant or repeated infractions may result in suspension for the day. Continued disciplinary actions or problems may result in suspension or expulsion for the remainder of the season.

D. Only the pool manager may recommend suspension of a single family member or single member. A meeting with the family, pool manager and Director of Recreation will be held and suspension or expulsion can only be issued by the Director of Recreation.

§ 64A-11. Posting of Rules and Regulations

All Rules will be posted at the pool. Additional copies of all Rules and Regulations are available at the pool and the Officer of the Department of Recreation.

§ 64A-12. Severability

All ordinances and provisions thereof inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance shall be and are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency.

§ 64A-13. Inconsistency

If any section, subsection, part, clause or phrase of this ordinance shall be declared invalid by judgement of any court of competent jurisdiction, such section, subsection, part, clause or phrase shall be deemed to be severable from the remainder of the ordinance.

§ 64A-14. Effective Date

This ordinance shall take effect immediately after final passage and publication as required by law.