Chapter 12. Human Relations Commission


Section I.

§12-1 Creation.

§12-2 Purpose.

§12-3 Definitions.

§12-4 Membership, Terms of Office and Vacancies

§12-5 Organization; Expenditures.

§12-6 Powers and Duties.

§12-7 Repealer.

§12-8 Severability.

§12-9 When effective.

[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Council of the Township of Gloucester 08-24-98 as Ord. O-98-27. Amendments noted where applicable]

BE IT ORDAINED by the Township Council of the Township of Gloucester, in the County of Camden and State of New Jersey, as follows:


That the Code of the Township of Gloucester be and is hereby amended to include Chapter 12 "Human Relations Commission" and shall read as follows:

§12-1 Creation, confirmation.

There is hereby established and confirmed the creation of a Commission to be known as the "Gloucester Township Human Relations Commission."

§12-2 Purpose.

To confirm the creation of a Human Relations Commission.

The creation of this Commission affirms that this Township's strength and quality of life derives, in part, from its cultural diversity and recognizes that racial, ethnic or religious tension undermines the strength and unity of a community and is detrimental to the community's health and well-being. It is only through an environment of tolerance, mutual understanding and harmonious relations between all individuals of the Township's diverse population that a more perfect community can be realized. The uniqueness of each individual and different groups of individuals contributes to a beautiful panorama within the Township.

The purpose of this Commission is to promote good relations between all the peoples of this community and to demonstrate a high regard for the protection of the civil rights of all persons. Its ultimate goal is the integration of all unique human differences into a unified community.

§12-3 Definitions.

For the purposes of this ordinance, the terms used herein are as follows:

A. TOWNSHIP: The Township of Gloucester

B. COMMISSION: The Gloucester Township Human Relations Commission

C. HUMAN RIGHTS: Any action or activity which has an effect on any person's based on race, creed, color, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, or religious affiliation.

D. PERSON: Includes one or more individuals, associations, organizations or groups. §12-4 Membership, Terms of Office and Vacancies.

The Human Relations Commission shall consist of a minimum of seven (7) and a maximum of fifteen (15) members, to be appointed by the Mayor, who shall serve for a term of two (2) years, such terms to be staggered. For the initial term appointment, a simple majority shall be appointed for a term of two years, and the balance of the members shall be appointed for a term of one year. Thereafter, all members shall be appointed for a term of two years. . With the exception of the initial term, the commencement date of membership term shall be January 1.* In addition, there shall be a Township Council liaison member appointed by the Mayor with the consent of Township Council, which liaison member shall serve as a non voting member. In case of death, resignation, or inability to serve, the successor shall be appointed in the same manner as the appointment of the original members, to fill the unexpired term of such member.

Each member shall serve until his or her successor is duly appointed and qualified. Members shall serve without compensation.

Members of the Gloucester Township Human Relations Commission shall not use the Commission as a platform for their own political or personal gain. [Amended by O-00-05 on 02-28-00] [Amended by Ord. O-10-12 on 03-08-10]*

§12-5 Organization; Expenditures.

The Commission shall, as soon as possible after the first day of July of each year, select a Chairperson and such other officers as it may deem necessary, and shall adopt bylaws to govern its procedural operations. Upon request by the Commission, there may be appropriated in each annual budget of the Township such sum as may be determined by the Township Council to be necessary for the purposes of the Commission.

§12-6 Powers and Duties.

The Commission shall act in an advisory capacity to the Mayor and Township Council. It is not intended to, and may in no way act or function as a review board of police or another Township departmental activity and may not infringe upon, or in any manner usurp the power and authority granted by law to the Mayor or Township Council in manners including, but not limited to, the hiring and removing of personnel or the general supervision over all departments, offices, agencies, officials or employees of the Township.

The Commission shall:

a. Carry out educational programs which promote tolerance, understanding and harmonious relations between all individuals of the Township;

b. Foster participation in and encourage individual, organizational, neighborhood and community efforts to engender understanding, good will, cooperation and conciliation among the various groups and individuals of this Township;

c. Receive, mediate and seek reconciliation of problems brought to its attention by individuals of the Township and by the Township Government with respect to matters involving human rights;

d. Monitor the Township's commitment to equal rights and assure the Township's conformity with existing civil rights laws while promoting the goals of equality, justice and harmony;

e. Serve as a conciliation agency where the services of the Commission might be effective in accomplishing it objective;

f. Oversee the administration of sensitivity training on racial, ethnic and religious relations for the Mayor, Council, and all members of the Township's boards, committees, agencies and authorities serving the community;

g. Study and analyze the status, nature and extent of discrimination, prejudice, bias, intolerance, and indifference in the community at large;

h. Report from time to time, and not less than once a year, to the Mayor and Council on ways and means to promote and encourage understanding, good will, cooperation, equal opportunity and conciliation in the community at large, and ways and means to eliminate discrimination, bias, intolerance, indifference and group tensions in the community at large.

§12-7 Repealer.

All ordinances and provisions thereof inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance shall be and are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency.

§12-8 Severability.

If any section, subsection or part, clause or phrase of this Ordinance shall be declared invalid by judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction, such section, subsection, part, clause or phrase shall be deemed to be severable from the remainder of the ordinance.

§12-9 When Effective.

This Ordinance shall take effect immediately after final passage and publication as required by law.