Chapter 32. Autobuses

Chapter 32 AUTOBUSES

§ 32-1. Definition.

§ 32-2. License required; application; issuance of license.

§ 32-3. Liability insurance.

§ 32-4. Transfer of license or substitution of vehicles.

§ 32-5. License affixed to vehicle.

§ 32-6. Operation of vehicles.

§ 32-7. Snow tires and skid chains; cleanliness, lighting, heating.

§ 32-8. Collection of fares.

§ 32-9. Parking restrictions.

§ 32-10. License fee.

§ 32-11. Violations and penalties.

§ 32-12. Severability.

§ 32-13. Effective date.

[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Council of the Township of Gloucester 6-13-22 as Ord. No. 32. Amendments noted where applicable.]


Streets and sidewalks - See Ch. 72.

Taxicabs - See Ch. 78.

Be it ordained by the Township Council of the Township of Gloucester, in the County of Camden and State of New Jersey, as follows:

§ 32-1. Definition.

The word "autobus" as herein used shall mean and include any automobile or motor bus, commonly called "jitneys," engaged in the business of carrying passengers for hire, which is held out, announced or advertised to operate or run, or which is operated or run, over any of the roads, streets or public places in the township, and indiscrim­inately accepts and discharges such persons as may offer themselves for transportation either at the terminal or points along the way or route on which it is used or operated or may be running.

§ 32-2. License required; application; issuance of license.

A. It shall not be lawful for any autobus or jitney to be operated upon any street wholly or partly in the Township of Gloucester until the owner thereof shall have obtained a license for that purpose from the township as hereinafter provided. Such license shall be issued to the owner of said autobus or jitney for operation thereof only by the said owner or his agent or servant duly accredited by such owner for that purpose.

B. Such license shall not be issued except upon compliance by the owner of any autobus or jitney with the following conditions:

There shall be filed with the Township Clerk an application which shall contain the name of the owner, his age, residence and business address, if any, and a request for permission to operate the autobus for which the application is made. It shall also contain a statement of the character and estimated seating capacity of the autobus, state license number and maker's number of its engine. It shall also definitely state whether said autobus is to be operated by the owner personally or by agents or servants duly accredited by such owner, or both.

C. The Clerk shall issue said license when satisfied that the requirements of this ordinance have been complied with, which said license shall bear the date of issue and shall be in force and effect until the end of the calendar year during which it is issued.

§ 32-3. Liability insurance.

No license or other consent shall become effective and no such operation shall be permitted until the owner of such autobus shall have filed with the Clerk an insurance policy or a certificate thereof of a company duly licensed to transact business under the insurance laws of the State of New Jersey, in the sum of not less than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.) to satisfy all claims for damages by reason of bodily injury to or the death of any one (1) person resulting from an accident, and the sum of not less than three hundred thousand dollars ($300.000) to satisfy all claims for damages by reason of the bodily injuries to or the death of all persons on account of any such accident, by reason of the ownership, operation, maintenance or use of such autobus upon any public street; and conditioned for the payment of a sum not less than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.) to satisfy any claim for damages to property of any one (1) person resulting from an accident, and sum not less than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.) to satisfy all claims for damages to property of all persons on account of any such accident, by reason of the ownership, operation, maintenance or use of such autobus upon any public street.

§ 32-4. Transfer of license or substitution of vehicles.

Said licensee may substitute one (1) car for another or may transfer his license to new owner, provided that he shall first satisfy the said Clerk that the necessary changes are made in the said insurance policy or certificate to cover either the substitution of autobus or transfer or ownership.

§ 32-5. License affixed to vehicle.

Every autobus so licensed shall bear prominently displayed within it, a placard issued and signed by the said Clerk, bearing the number of said license, date of expiration and with the Seal of the township affixed thereto.

§ 32-6. Operation of vehicles.

It shall be unlawful to drive any autobus when any passenger is standing on the running board, fender, mudguard or back thereof or while any passenger is riding on said autobus outside the body thereof or in such manner as to obstruct the driver's view or his control of the vehicle, or to refuse to carry any persons who properly apply for transportation. It shall be unlawful for any autobus driver to take on or discharge passengers excep on the right-hand side of the road in the direction in which said vehicle is proceeding and on the near side of intersecting streets. This clause shall not be construed as permitting the stopping to take on or discharge passengers in such a location as to interfere with the use of street crossings by pedestri­ans or to interfere with the discharge or taking on of passengers by any trolley car or other vehicle.

§ 32-7. Snow tires and skid chains; cleanliness, lighting, heating.

A. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or drive any autobus when the streets are covered with rainwater, snow or ice unless the rear wheels thereof be equipped with nonskid tires or with skid chains or other safety devices for use in operating said vehicles.

B. Every autobus operating on the streets of the township shall be thoroughly clean and ventilated at all times, and the interior of the same shall be properly lighted and heated.

§ 32-8. Collection of fees.

No fares shall be collected on said autobus, nor shall any passenger be received or discharged by the driver thereof, while said autobus is in motion. Each autobus shall have posted within it a placard stating all fares for trips wholly within or originating or ending in said township.

§ 32-9. Parking restrictions.*.

It shall be unlawful to allow any autobus to be parked on any street within the limits of the Township of Gloucester or to remain standing on any streets except for the purpose of promptly receiving and discharging passengers or in such cases where breakdown, accidents or circumstances beyond the control of the driver of said autobus necessitate the stopping of the vehicle for a longer time.

§ 32-10. License fee.²

The License fee for operating each autobus, as herein provided, shall be one hundred dollars ($100.), except where such license is issued on or after July 1. in which case on-half (½) thereof shall be charged; said fee shall be payable in advance to the said Clerk. Such fee is imposed for the purpose of revenue.

§ 32-11. Violations and penalties.ⁿ

Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be subject, upon conviction, to a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500.) or imprisonment for not more than ninety (90) days, or both, in the the discretion of a court of competent jurisdic­tion.

§ 32-12. Severability.

If any section, clause or provision of this ordinance shall be adjudged invalid, such adjudication shall apply only to the section, clause or provision so adjudged to be invalid, and the rest of this ordinance shall remain valid and effective.

§ 32-13. Effective date.

This ordinance shall take effect July 1, 1922.


Editor's Note: This section amended upon adoption of the Code, See Ch. 1, General Provisions, Article I, Adoption of Code.


²Editor;'s Note: This section amended upon adoption of the Code, see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Article I, Adoption of Code.

ⁿEditor's Note: This section amended upon adoption of the Code, see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Article I, Adoption of Code.