Chapter 55. Solid Waste and Recycling Management


Chapter 55

§ 55-1. Purpose.

§ 55-2. Responsibility for Collection and Disposal.

§ 55-3. Definitions.

§ 55-4. Intention.

§ 55-5. Collection Schedule.

§ 55-6. Program Established - Mandatory Separation.

§ 55-7. Points of Collection.

§ 55-8. Preparation of Residential Solid Waste.

§ 55-9. Preparation of Recyclable Materials.

§ 55-10. Special Materials.

§ 55-11. Hazardous Materials.

§ 55-12. Solid Waste Containers.

§ 55-13. Unacceptable Wastes.

§ 55-14. Scavengers.

§ 55-15. Tips and Gratuities.

§ 55-16. Additional Recycling Regulations; Authorization.

§ 55-17. Collection by Unauthorized Person Prohibited.

§ 55-18. Unlawful Disposal.

§ 55-19. Mandatory Commercial, Institutional and Industrial Source Separation Program.

§ 55-20. Violations of Solid Waste and Recycling Section; Notice; Penalties.

§ 55-21. Transportation of Garbage and Other Refuse.

§ 55-22. Repealer.

§ 55-23. When Effective.

[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Council of the Township of Gloucester 3-26-12 as Ord. O-12-05. Amendments noted where applicable.]

General References

Brush, weeds and obnoxious growth - See Ch. 37.

Building Code - See Ch. 39.

Buildings unfit for human habitation - See Ch. 40.

Fire Prevention Code - See Ch. 52.

Junkyards and junk shops - See Ch. 61.

Parks and picnic grounds - See Ch. 66

Streets and sidewalks - See Ch. 72.

Nuisance Code - See Ch. 92.

Pigs and piggeries - See Ch. 94.

Recycling - See Ch. 67B.

Be it ordained by the Township Council of the Township of Gloucester, in the County of Camden and State of New Jersey, as follows:

§ 55-1. Purpose.

The purpose of this section is to regulate, control, dispose of, manage and collect solid waste and appropriate recycling materials within the Township of Gloucester.

§ 55-2. Responsibility for Collection and Disposal.

It shall be the responsibility of the Administration of the Township of Gloucester to administer the collection and disposal of all appropriate solid waste materials and recyclables, as defined, with the exception of demolition, excavation, business, commercial, industrial, medical, hazardous, building/remodeling contractor's, lawn service, landscaper and tree removal contractor’s waste or refuse.

§ 55-3 Definitions. As used in this section:

ALUMINUM CANS - shall mean and include all disposable containers fabricated primarily of aluminum and commonly used for soda, beer, or other beverages.

APPLIANCES (WHITE GOODS) - shall mean washers, dryers, hot water heaters, refrigerators, freezers, trash compactors, dishwashers, stoves, and air conditioners.

ASBESTOS - shall mean the asbestos form varieties of setpentinite (chrysotile), riebecktie (crocidolite), cummingtonite-grunerite, anthophyllite and actinolite-tremolite. Asbestos-containing waste materials (ACWM) shall mean mill tailings or any waste that contains commercial asbestos and is generated by a source subject to the provisions of 40 C.P.R. 61.140. This term includes filters from control devices, friable asbestos waste material, and bags or other similar packaging contaminated with commercial asbestos. As applied to demolition and renovation operations, this term also includes regulated asbestos-containing material waste and materials contaminated with asbestos including disposable equipment and clothing.

BIODEGRADABLE BAGS - shall mean a paper bag which is designed and manufactured to decompose by a natural biological process.

BUSINESS WASTE - shall mean any solid waste or recycling material that are generated as a result of operating, conducting or performing a business or service. (See also commercial waste)

CARDBOARD - shall mean corrugated cardboard, paperboard boxes (cerea1, pasta, & tissue); paper towel rolls, and cardboard beverage carriers.

COLLECTION DAY - shall be as designated by the Administration of the Township of Gloucester setting forth the pick-up start and end time as designated by the contract.

COLLECTION OR COLLECTING - shall mean the act of picking up solid waste and/or recycling at its point of generation.

CO-MINGLED RECYCLABLES - shall mean food and beverage containers and beverage cartons that are made from glass, tin, aluminum and plastics #1,2,4,5 & 7 only, which are placed mixed in one recycling container or as allowed by New Jersey Statute regulations.

COMMERCIAL LANDSCAPER - shall be any business, trade or industry providing the service of grass cutting, tree and brush removal, trimming, stump removal, mu1ching or any other yard maintenance or improvement.

COMMERCIAL LANDSCAPER - shall include tree surgeon, gardener or horticulturist.

COMMERCIAL SOLID WASTE - shall mean solid waste or recyclable material generated by wholesale, retail or service businesses and multi-unit residential structures. (See also business waste)

COMMERCIAL USER - shall mean any person utilizing the services of a business, trade, industry or other nonresidential activity for the purpose of landscaping.

COMPOSTING FACILITY - shall mean a solid waste facility which utilizes a controlled biological process of degrading non-hazardous solid vegetative waste.

CONTRACT(S) - shall be between the Township of Gloucester and an independent contractor(s) for the collection and disposal of solid waste and/or recyclable material.

CONTRACTORS WASTE (See construction and demolition waste)

CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION WASTE - shall mean waste building material and rubble resulting from construction, remodeling, repair, and demolition operations on houses, commercial buildings, pavements and other structures. The following materials may be found in construction and demolition waste: treated and untreated wood scrap; tree parts, tree stumps and brush; concrete, asphalt, bricks, blocks and other masonry; plaster and wallboard; roofing materials; corrugated cardboard and miscellaneous paper; ferrous and non-ferrous metal; non-asbestos building insulation; plastic scrap; dirt; contractors carpets and padding; glass (window and door); and other miscellaneous materials; but shall not include other solid waste types.

CONTRACTOR - shall mean a person or firm engaged in the business of providing a service, construction, repairing, refurbishing, remodeling or demolition of buildings or grounds within the Township.

ELECTRONICS - shall mean items with electronic components and circuit boards, including but not limited to computers, monitors, printers, computer peripherals, cameras, vcrs, dvd players, stereos, cell phones, and telephones.

GENERATION - shall mean the act or process of producing solid waste.

GARBAGE/FOOD WASTE - shall mean any animal or vegetable waste solids resulting from the preparation, cooking, or consumption of food, but not including human waste.

GLASS - shall mean all products made from silica or sand, soda ash and limestone, the product being transparent or translucent and being used for packaging or bottling of various matter and all other material commonly known as glass, excluding, however, blue and flat glass commonly known as window glass.

HAZARDOUS MATERIAL - shall mean wastes presenting a clear danger to health and safety by reason of their biological, pathological, explosive, radiological, or toxic characteristics.

LANDSCAPER - shall mean a person or firm engaging in a commercial enterprise or business which designs, constructs alters, demolishes, excavates, plants, weeds, fertilizes, prunes, trims, mows or otherwise alters and/or cares for the outdoor natural premises of a property.

LAWN SERVICE CONTRACTOR - shall mean a person or firm whose primary purpose is to mow, edge, trim and or fertilize the grass areas of the outdoor premises of another's property and is paid for such endeavors.

METAL CANS - shall mean and include all disposable containers fabricated primarily of metal and commonly used for soda, beer, or other beverages.

NEWSPAPER - shall mean and include paper of the type commonly referred to as newsprint and distributed at stated intervals, usually daily or weekly, having printed thereon news and opinions and containing advertisements and other matters of public interest.

PAPER RECYCLABLES - shall mean newspaper, white paper, magazines, junk mail, paper bags, phone books, office paper, and file folders.

RECYCLABELS - shall mean that portion of the solid waste generated that can be separated and reused.

RECYCLABLE WASTE - shall mean any material that can be separated at the source of generation, which can be reused in manufacture of new products or goods.

RESIDENTIAL SOLID WASTE - shall mean residential user generated solid waste that has resulted from normal household activities and is collected and disposed of at an approved disposal location.

RESIDENTIAL USER - shall mean all owners, tenants, occupants or persons in possession of, or exercising control over, a dwelling unit such as a single family home or a multi-family dwelling, and who utilize the Township or its authorized agent for the collection of solid waste, rubbish, trash and recyclables.

RESIDENT - shall mean any person occupying or maintaining a place of residence within the Township, occupying a single family house or multi-family dwelling.

ROUTE - shall mean a specific path of a trash or recycling collection vehicle.

SCAVENGERS - shall mean any unauthorized or unlicensed person, firm or corporations collecting rubbish, trash or recyclable materials placed at the collection point for Township collection.

SINGLE STREAM RECYCLING - shall mean the method of placing mixed paper, cardboard and commingled containers together in one container for collection. Mixed paper, cardboard and commingled containers are collected in one non-compartmentalized vehicle and delivered to the materials recovery facility (MRF). All recyclable materials are collected in one "stream".

SOLID WASTE CONTRACTOR - shall mean a person or firm for hire properly licensed by the State Department of Environmental Protection (N.J.A.C. 7:26-3.2 ct. seq.).

SOLID WASTE CONTAINERS - shall mean the units in which the residential solid waste is stored for collection.

SOURCE SEPARATION - shall mean separating recyclables from solid waste at the point of generation.

SPECIAL MATERIALS - shall mean bulky materials or other solid wastes such as broken concrete, sod, dirt, carpets, tree limbs, and building materials not generated by a contractor or commercial business enterprise that cannot be stored in a standard collection container but can be collected by a standard collection vehicle.

TOWNSHIP - shall mean the Township of Gloucester.

TOWNSHIP MAYOR - shall mean the chief administrative officer of the Township of Gloucester.

TREE REMOVAL CONTRACTOR - shall mean a person or firm whose primary purpose is to elevate, trim, prune and/or completely remove trees, stump removal and/or grind roots from the premises of another's property and is paid for such endeavors.

WHITE GOODS (See appliances)

YARD WASTE - shall mean grass clippings, leaves, tree limbs and brush.

§ 55-4. Intention. It is the intention of the Township to provide solid waste and recycling collection to residential users, as defined in the Township Solid Waste and Recyclable Collection Contract in accordance with the provision herein.

A. Residential solid waste and recyclable materials must be properly placed in approved containers, a non-automated pick-up container shall have a capacity of not less than fifteen (15) gallons or more than thirty two (32) gallons and shall not exceed forty (40) pounds per container and these containers must be placed curbside within the limits of the residence collected.

B. Each residential user must source separate the recyclable material.

C. Such waste must be generated within the premises collected.

D. Waste must conform with all other requirements specified by the Township.

§ 55-5. Collection Schedule. The Township shall have the authority to establish, alter or amend the schedule for the collection of residential solid waste and recyclables.

A. Holidays. There will be no collection on New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.

B. Recyclables. Recyclable material, including yard waste shall be collected one (1) time every other week pursuant to the Township's Solid Waste and Recyclable Collection Contract.

C. Solid waste. Solid waste shall be collected one (1) time per week pursuant to the Township's Solid Waste and Recyclable collection Contract.

D. Time and placement for collection. Residential solid waste and recyclables shall not be permitted to be placed at the collection point earlier than 4:00pm on the evening before the scheduled collection day for that location nor shall empty solid waste and recyclable containers remain at the collection point longer than twelve (12) hours after the regular collection time for that location. All solid waste and recyclables must be placed at the collection point prior to 5:00 a.m. on the scheduled collection day.

§ 55-6. Program Established

Program Established - Mandatory Separation. Within the Township of Gloucester, there is mandatory source separation mandatory source separation of newspaper, glass, metal and aluminum cans, plastics and yard waste from solid waste. (In accordance with state statute electronic "waste" recyclables shall be source separated. All persons shall separate newspaper, glass, metal and aluminum cans, plastics and yard waste from solid waste materials and shall place newspaper, glass, metal and aluminum cans, plastics and yard waste in containers or bundles separate and apart from solid waste containers and in a location which is consistent with this section.

A. Violations. It is a violation of this section for the resident, occupant or owner to fail to properly separate recyclables and yard waste from solid waste.

B. Penalties/Remedies. The Township, at its discretions, may choose to educate, warn, notify or issue a summons for a violation of 55-2.6 and/or the Township and/or its contractor may choose not to collect solid waste or recyclables which are not properly separated.

§ 55-7. Points of Collection.

A. All solid waste, recyclables and/or yard waste to be collected and disposed of by the Township or its contractor shall be placed at the curb or if no existing curb, within five (5) feet of the improved roadway in the front of the premises, or as may be directed by the Township Administration from time to time.

B. Only one collection point shall be permitted per residential user. In the case of comer lots, solid waste, recyclables and yard waste shall be placed at the curbside of an improved roadway which is most convenient to the collection vehicle or as may be directed by the Township Administration from time to time.

C. All containers, bags, or bundles shall not be placed to inhibit storm water drainage nor shall they be placed in such a way to impede typical traffic flow, pedestrian access or progress on a sidewalk.

D. No collection of solid waste or recyclables will be provided to dwellings under construction, dwellings being remodeled, vacant or unoccupied dwellings, vacant lots or vacant lands or those properties/residences without a valid certificate of occupancy.

§ 55-8. Preparation of Residential Solid Waste .

Preparation of residential solid waste, except special materials as defined within, shall be placed in standard solid waste two (2) handle containers having a capacity of not more than thirty two (32) gallons and not less than fifteen (15) gallons, not to exceed 40 pounds. Containers shall be of such size that can be handled by one solid waste contractor employee and so constructed as to prevent the spilling or leakage of their contents. Commercially produced trash bags designed for this purpose are also permitted for solid waste only. Prior to placing containers at the collection point, they should be drained of all accumulated water, and treated with a commercial insecticide if any eggs, maggots or adult insects have formed. The resident should take all possible precautions to protect their solid waste containers from vermin and other animal intrusions.

§ 55-9. Preparation of Recyclable Materials.

All residential recyclable material, including yard waste, shall be placed for collection according to the following minimum standards:

A. Single Stream Recycling. Newspaper, corrugated cardboard, phonebooks, chipboard paperboard boxes, beverage cartons, cardboard beverage carriers, paper bags, file folders, office paper and paper towel rolls, paperback books, magazines, brochures, inserts, greeting cards, regular and junk mail, aluminum and metal cans, plastic bottles steel bottle caps and metal jar lids, shall be placed together in the 96 gallon cart, 64 gallon bucket provided by the Township.

Corrugated cardboard and paper bags must be flattened. Newspapers, magazines or other paper recyclables shall not be placed in bags tied or bundled prior to placement in the bucket provided for single stream recycling. All containers must be empty and rinsed.

No plastic bags are to be placed in recyclable containers.

All commingled, cardboard and newspaper must be placed in Township supplied containers.

Loose recyclables placed outside the cart or bucket is prohibited.

B. Appliances/White Goods. Appliances (white goods), as defined within. are to be placed out on the normal recycling collection day. All doors shall be removed from refrigerators and freezers.

C. Yard Waste. Grass clippings, leaves, vegetative waste from lawns/flower beds and tree brush, shrubs and vegetative debris shall be placed in biodegradable paper bags, open containers or tied and bundled as applicable. No individual item (bag, container or bundles) shall weigh in excess of 40 lbs. Larger branches and limbs shall be cut into three (3) foot lengths and securely tied in bundles with total weight not in excess of forty (40) pounds. Recyclables shall not be mixed with solid waste. Comingling of solid waste and recyclables is a violation and may be subject to penalty.

Placement of all yard waste including but not limited to grass clippings, leaves and brush in plastic bags for Township collection is prohibited and will not be collected by the Township. It is recommended that residents consider a "cut it and leave it" program where grass cuttings are left on the lawn.

Any yard waste generated from a commercial landscaper .and/or commercial user will not be collected by the Township. Any commercial landscaper performing services within the Township shall remove all trimmings, branches, trees, stumps, grass cuttings and other waste materials generated from the services performed by them from the premises in which they service.

Municipal collection of leaves is limited to the months of November and December. Municipal collection schedules are annually identified by posters, yard signs noting the week of collection. Leaves shall be raked to curb side for collection.

Prohibited Recycling Materials. Tires, motor oil, automotive batteries, and electronics are to be brought to the Department of Public Works for recycling.

§ 55-10. Special Materials.

Special materials, as defined within, shall be placed in accordance with 55-2 (above).

A. Preparation. Lumber, carpet and construction materials, not generated by a private commercial contractor, are to be tied and bundled, weigh less than fifty (50) pounds and not exceed three (3) feet in length. Material shall be free of protruding nails, screws, staples or other dangerous conditions.

B. Bulk Items: Bulk items such as furniture and mattresses will be collected during the normally scheduled collection day, or as designated by the Township.

§ 55-11. Hazardous Materials.

A. All hazardous materials, including but not limited to waste materials which present a clear danger to health and safety by reason of their biological, pathological, explosive, radiological or toxic characteristics shall be wrapped and/or bundled and stored in clearly marked containers as "hazardous materials" and separated from other solid wastes. (Examples: injection needles knives, broken glass/mirrors, and sharp objects)

B. Injection needles shall be broken from syringe and hub and separated from the syringe before depositing for collection and shall be placed in metal or plastic containers in accordance with the procedures set forth in the New Jersey Health Department and Department of Solid Waste "Household Hazardous Waste Management Act".

C. All medical waste generators shall comply with any and all applicable regulation promulgated by the NJDEP for such generators for the disposal of medical hazardous waste.

D. Residential users and those users identified by contract shall be responsible for any personal injury to collection personnel resulting from improper disposal of hazardous materials.

E. Oil based paints, varnishes, gasoline, aerosols, antifreeze and combustibles are not to be placed curbside with normal wastes, but are to be disposed of at County Household Special Waste Collection sites.

F. Latex paint is a non-hazardous material. It can be disposed of along with regular trash as directed by the Township, following the elimination of all liquid content by removal of drying techniques.

§ 55-12. Solid Waste Containers

A. Standards. Containers shall be water tight and of metal or plastic, with a tight fitting cover and handles. Each container shall have a capacity of not more than thirty two (32) gallons and not less than fifteen (15) gallons and shall not exceed forty (40) pounds when containing solid waste material. Containers that are badly broken or otherwise fail to meet the requirements of this section shall be classified as refuse and disposed of by the collector. Containers must be maintained in a manner that is not a danger to health or safety. So1id Waste containers shall be of such size that can be handled by one solid waste contract employee and so constructed as to prevent the spilling or leakage of their contents.

B. Storage of Trash/Recyclable Containers. Trash/recyclable containers stored outside residential buildings shall be placed behind the extended front face of the structure. Containers shall be concealed to the extent that they are not visible from the public right of way or adjacent properties.

C. Plastic Disposal Bags; Grocery Bags. Plastic disposal bags must be a minimum of two (2) mils. thick. ''Heavy duty" plastic bags above the minimum required thickness are acceptable solid waste containers. Grocery bags shall not be considered acceptable solid waste containers and are thereby prohibited.

D. Spill. Residential users shall remove any solid waste spilled by animals or vandals as a result of defective or inadequate covers or containers.

E. Vermin/Animals. All containers should be stored and placed for collection in such a way so as to discourage intrusion by vermin and animals.

F. Placement of cans/containers. See Section 55-2.5d for permitted schedule of can/container placement at the collection point.

§ 55-13. Unacceptable Wastes.

Unacceptable. The following materials shall not be collected as part of the Township's solid waste and recyclable materials program. This list is not exhaustive. Prohibited materials include, but are not limited to: asbestos, asbestos containing waste materials, asphalt roofing products containing more than one (1 %) percent asbestos, resilient floor coverings, demolition materials, excavation materials; commercial, industrial, hazardous and medical waste generated from commercial facilities or medical offices. Also included are construction materials generated by private contractors, yard wastes which are not generated at the property of the residential user and on premises yard waste generated by a lawn service, landscaper, or tree service contractor.

A. Construction/Remodeling/Building Materials. Private contractors shall remove the debris materials from the site and shall dispose of the debris properly at their own cost. This debris is not to be placed for normal residential collection.

B. Hazardous Materials. All chemical and corrosive wastes and other hazardous materials as defined within are prohibited to be placed for residential pick up.

C. House Cleanouts. Furniture, carpets, bedding and similar household items resulting from the sale of a house (house clean out, or move-in, move-out) will not be collected by the Township. Disposal of such items shall be the responsibility of the owner (at time of disposal) of the property and or real estate agent.

D. Cardboard Boxes. Cardboard boxes may not be used to dispose of regular household trash. Cardboard is recyclable and must be placed into Township supplied recyclable containers in accordance with the requirements of Section 55-2.9. Any cardboard boxes containing household trash shall be left at the curb.

§ 55-14. Scavengers.

Scavengers are prohibited from operating within the Township.

§ 55-15. Tips and Gratuities.

A. Tips and gratuities shall be strictly prohibited.

B. No Township employee or Township contracted solid waste contractor employee shall enter upon or in private property, except at the designated curb collection point, for the purpose of removing solid waste or recycling materials.

§ 55-16. Additional Recycling Regulations; Authorization.

The Township is authorized to issue additional recycling regulations as needed to provide for the most safe and efficient means of removal of recyclable materials as defined within.

§ 55-17. Collection by Unauthorized Person Prohibited.

All solid waste, yard waste and recyclable material aggregated and offered for collection shall remain the property and responsibility ,of the generator until said material are collected by the Township's solid waste contractor or self-hauled to the Township's recycling center; at which time they become the property of the solid waste contractor or Township respectively. It shall be a violation of this section for any person not authorized by the Township to collect items herein described or to pick up or cause to be picked up any such items. Any and each such collection in violation hereof from one (1) or more residences shall constitute a separate distinct offense punishable as provided herein.

§ 55-18. Unlawful Disposal.

It shall be a violation of this section in addition to other pertinent Township Ordinances and applicable state law for a person to place residential solid waste commercially generated solid waste or private contractor waste at the collection site reserved for the Township's solid waste collection.

1. From and after the effective date of this ordinance, no person shall dump, deposit, leave or throw any offal, filth, garbage, trash, cans, trees and other waste matter or debris upon lands, streets or highways in the Township of Gloucester. [Amended 4-14-14 by Ord. O-14-08]

§ 55-19. Mandatory Commercial, Institutional and Industrial Source Separation Program.

A. All persons within the Township who are not residents and who are not served by the curbside collection program established pursuant to this Chapter, shall source separate and arrange for collection for recycling of all designated recyclables. Commercial, professional or institutional establishments must be able to provide proof of recyclable arrangement contracts. Township officials shall have the authority to request and review the recyclable arrangement contract of commercial, professional or institutional establishments not serviced by the Township, to verify compliance with mandatory recycling.

B. On or before March 1st of each year, commercial, professional, institutional, industrial and multifamily housing complex shall report to the municipal recycling coordinator, the tonnage of recyclables collected and removed from the municipality during the previous year.

C. Designated recyclables for the mandatory commercial, institutional and industrial source separation program shall consist of the following materials:

1. High grade paper; including white letterhead paper, white bond typing paper, white copier paper, white note pad paper, white writing paper, white envelopes, computer printout paper, and computer tab cards.

2. Corrugated cardboard.

3. Glass bottles and aluminum and metal cans.

4. Other recyclable material as may be designated from time to time by the Township or as mandated by the State Resource Recovery and Recycling Act or other statute or regulations.

D. The arrangement for collection and disposal of designated recyclables shall be the responsibility of the person or firm who has generated the recyclables ("generator") or the person of firm obligated to the generator, by contract, to arrange for collection and disposal of its solid waste. The arrangements may include. without limitation, direct marketing of recyclables, delivery to a drop-off, contracts with solid waste collection haulers for separate collection of any or all designated recyclables, contract with other persons for separate collection of any or all designated recyclables or direct delivery to recycling facility.

§ 55-20. Violations of Solid Waste and Recycling Section; Notice; Penalties.

A. The Township, in its discretion, may inform, warn, notify or issue a summons for any violation of this chapter. Each day of violation shall be considered a separate offense.

B. Notice. Should the Township issue a summons for violation of this section, the violation will be notified in accordance with Municipal Court and/or Township procedure.

C. Penalties. Any person who is found to be in violation of this Chapter shall be subject to a fine not to exceed Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), or to imprisonment not exceeding ninety (90) days, or both, in the discretion of a court of competent jurisdiction.


A. No person shall carry or transport or cause or permit to be carried or transported through or along any public street any garbage or other vegetable or animal refuse from outside the limits of the Township into the Township except as herein after limited and provided for.

B. In all cases where garbage or other refuse is to be transported through the Township and not intended to be dumped or otherwise disposed of therein, it shall be unlawful for the person transporting the same to make use of any street or other public place in the Township for-the purpose unless the vehicle in which the garbage or other refuse is to be transported or that portion wherein the garbage or other refuse may be contained shall be thoroughly and securely covered and fastened down in order that there be no spilling of any garbage or other refuse or escaping of odors and unless the vehicle or part thereof shall be thoroughly water tight in order that there may be no leaking or draining.

§ 55-22. Repealer.

All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with this amending ordinance be and hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistencies only.

§ 55-23. When Effective.

This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon adoption as provided by law.