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Qumber Ophthalmology

A Book Of Eye

This site is dedicated to sharing knowledge of ophthalmology online with our community

Ophthalmology is a Branch of medicine that deals with eye, its connections to brain and various systemic diseases and drugs that affect it. It dates back to couching when a needle was used to push into eye as cataract surgery. Glaucoma was first identified as something related to eye pressure many hundreds of years ago. Thanks to modern science era that we know so much about it now. However more research and development is needed to explore unknown areas. 


What is not a layer of epidermis of eye lid


A 42 year old lady comes to eye clinic with complaint of dryness and burning for last couple of months. On ocular examination mucous filaments are seen threaded to cornea. . (1+2+2)

a. What is likely diagnosis?

b. What investigations will you carry out?

c. Give different treatment modalities available