This is dislocation or subluxation of crystalline lens. It is also divided into congenital and acquired. Congenital causes include familial, et pupilae, aniridia. Also include in it are systemic diseases like marphan syndrome, homocystineuria and weil mershasani syndrome.



without systemic association

with systemic association



If anteriorly dislocated, with inverse glaucoma, the patient must be treated as an emergency. Lens removal is indicated after controlling the intraocular pressure. If the lens is subluxated, the extent is assessed andrefraction through the aphakic  portion is performed to give the best possible correction.If the lens is posteriorly dislocated, with uveitis, removal is indicated; if there is no uveitis no treatment is required. If the vision is poor due to excessive lenticular astigmatism or presence of the lens edge in the visual axis,removal of the lens is required. If any of these deformities cause great visual disability, treatment by lens aspiration or lensectomy is advisable.