Basal cell carcinoma

most common human malignancy. More common on lower lid. Locally invasive but non-metastatic.

Risk factor

Clinical features 

Squamous cell carcinoma

Less common than BCC. Metastatic. May spread to preauricular lymph nodes which must be checked in any lid tumor

risk factors

Clinical features

may resemble nodule:

ulceration:  everted borders but surface vessels are absent.

Sebaceous gland carcinoma

Clinical features

Treatment of lid tumors



which may be incisional or excisional 

surgical excision

conventional paraffin embedded specimen

frozen section technique: margins are checked at the time of surgery. if tumor free, reconstruction is done same day

Mohs micrographic surgery: lesion is mapped histologically and exicion is done at the place of lesion

Reconstruction technique

After excision of tumor with some normal healthy surrounding tissue

For small defect: up to one third of lid, direct closure is done. 

INTERMEDIATE: Upto half of lid defects, semicircular flaps are done for example Tenzil semicircular flaps

LARGE: More than half defectsfree skin grafts and flaps are done.