Developmental cataract may be present at birth (congenital) or it may develop later 

The critical period for developing the fixation reflex in both unilateral and bilateral visual deprivation disorders is between 2 and 4 months of age. 


clinical Types



complications of lensectomy and lens aspiration

Visual Rehabilitation

i. Spectales—They are useful for older children with bilateral aphakia but not for unilateral aphakia.

ii. Contact lenses—These are superior optical solution for both bilateral and unilateral aphakia

iii. IOL implantation—These are increasingly being performed in young children and even infants, specially in unilateral cataract. The IOL should be of a single piece type, i.e. optic and haptic in one piece with diameter not more than 12 mm. It is fitted in the capsular bag in the posterior chamber. 

 Rigid IOL—One piece rigid IOL is made of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA)

 Foldable IOL—It is hydrophobic, foldable, acrylic polymer lens

 Power of IOL—In children below 2 years, an undercorrection by 20% is recommended. In children between 2-8 years of age 10% undercorrection from the calculated biometric power is recommended to counter the ‘myopic shift’. emetropic power in children over 8 year is preferred

iv. Occlusion—Occlusion of better eye is done to treat or prevent amblyopia.