Light consists of various spectrum. On the lower end of wavelength are ultraviolet rays, in middle is visible light and on upper end are infra red rays. Only visible spectrum is visible to naked eye. Rest rays are absorbed by various ocular structures. Like cornea and lens absorb ultraviolet light. An interesting phenomenon occurs in aphakic patients in which lens of eye is removed. These patients complain that everything looks blue. 

Light is measured in nanometers. It moves in the shape of a wave. Like you through a stone in water and waves are formed. A wave has amplitude and cycle, a crest and trough

The distance between one crest and trough is a complete cycle. The distance between two crests or two troughs is wavelenght. The distance between basline and peak of a crest is called amplitude.

Refractive index

speed of light in vacuum/speed of light in medium=refractive index

cornea= 1.376

air =  1.000

Total internal reflection

Total internal reflection (TIR) occurs when light travels from a high-index medium to a low-index medium and the angle of incidence exceeds a certain critical angle. Under these circumstances, the incident ray does not pass through the interface; all light is reflected back into the high-index medium 


Pin hole