It is misalignment of eyes. Six muscles control eye ball. Four recti and two obliques. 

The lateral rectus mainly move the eye ball laterally or outwards. This is also called abduction of eye. It arises from annulus of zinn. It inserts anteriorly 6.9 mm near temporal limbus.

The medial rectus mainly moves eye medially or inward. This is also called adduction of eye. It arises from annulus of zinn and moves anteriorly to insert 5.5 mm behind nasal limbus.

The superior rectus muscle also arises from 7.7 mm behind superior limbus. It  mainly moves eye superiorly or elevates eye. The secondary actions are adduction and intorsion.

The inferior rectus muscle arises from annulus of zinn 6.5 mm behind inferior limbus. It moves the eye inferiorly or depresses the eye in primary position. While its secondary actions are adduction and extorsion

The superior oblique arises near optic foramen and moves anteriorly towards trochlea at the superomedial part of orbit. It passes from trochlea and then is reflected back and laterally to be inserted at the posterior upper temporal quadrant of the globe. Its main action is intorsion of globe. It secondary actions are depression and abduction

The inferior oblique arises just behind orbital margin lateral to lacrimal sac. It moves posteriorly to attach at posterior inferior temporal quadrant of globe near macula. Its main actions are extorsion and secondary actions are elevation and abduction.

The nerve supply to these muscle are 

LR6 SO4 O3 that means lateral rectus 6th nerve, superior oblique 4rth nerve and others by 3rd nerve.