Couples GPS Mastery
The Perfect Storm to Perfect Peace

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Course & Online Handbook by John Canaan - Endorsed by Dr. John Lund

Dear Participant,

Couples GPS is based on "The 9 Agreements", infused with what I call the "7 Principles of Mastery" and highlights the 12 Couples GPS Objectives. Β This collection of principles, practices and habits will assist you in navigating from the perfect storm to perfect peace. It's my sincere prayer that your use of this can be part of many rich blessings in your marriage, your family and your life.Β 


John Canaan

Anything is Everything (How to Approach CGPS)

Given that this is a handbook (vs. light reading), much of this may strike you as technical and some things as extreme. These are some high ideals! But just reaching for these ideals and practices in whatever way you feel best about, will elevate your marriage.Β 

With this in mind, here are some crucial tips:Β Β 

1) Go at your own pace (even if you're part of our Mastery class). Don't overwhelm yourself. Better to be the tortoise than the hair. (Click here for more on the Tortoise.)Β 

2) Adapt or change each action or habit however you feel to, for the best application to you and your spouse.

Any forward movement- with any of these principles or practices (learned here and/or in meetings) in even the smallest way is going to move you toward a much better marriage. I promise!

How We Roll (If You're Part of Our 10 Week Course) - week to week

1) Each week, we'll talk about different principles (i.e. "The 9 Agreements). We'll also talk about possible actions, rituals & habits you can consider for your life & marriage. Whatever you choose goes in your calendar and/or your Habit Tracker.

2) We recommend picking an "Check-In Partner" for this Mastery (ideally a new one every 3 weeks). We'll be sending you a roll of CGPS Mastery participants and questions to ask each other each week.Β Β 

Please feel free to text me (John) with any questions or concerns as we go: 801 613 8354.Β 

Click here for the week to week action steps  ​