Measuring SEO Performance

Start With End In Mind

Before doing something great, it is always be clear with the objective and goals.

Question What To Measure From Client

Client may have different data presentation to query, like conversion rate, sales performance, and etc. It's best to clear this up.

Goal Settings

Make a list of clear goals such that:

  • It is measurable: statistically and data-driven.
  • Always specific: grey area is bad for a sharp measurement.
  • Share your goal: validate its feasibility with others.

Engagement Metrics

Now that we have directions, it's time to see what we can measure.

Conversion Rate

The number of goals achieved in a campaign. In short, the ROI statistical results of the page.

Time On Page

The visitor staying on the website to test their visiting integrity. This is subjected to the website content (e.g. contact us usually has a short attention span).

Bounce Rate

The visitor staying on the website to test their visiting integrity. This is subjected to the website content (e.g. contact us usually has a short attention span).

Page Per Visit

Measurement of visitor continue to stay on the website, hoping from one page to another.

Scroll Depth

Measure how far visitor scroll throughout the page.

Search Traffic

Inbound search queries.

Click Through Rate

How many visitors click through search results.

Domain Authority & Page Authority (DA/PA)

Measures the authority metric.

Keyword Rankings

Measures keywords ranking in search results.

Number of Backlinks

Measures of inbound backlink.

Tools To Measure

Now that we have the metrics identified, it's time to use tools to measure the traffics.

For domain validation and Google product integrations.

For measuring performance, accessibility, progressive web app, and etc.

For measuring web performance focusing on speed.

For measuring web performance focusing on speed.

For providing insights from other measurement tools.

For tracking any new tools released from Google.

That's all for measuring SEO performance.