First Step Courage

Leadership is all about taking the courage and strife for the first step into the unknown. Leaders, like all others, do have fear when venturing into the unknown. The only difference for them is they never treat that fear as an excuse to back away. They are the people who care less about the circumstance and always in-charge of their life, and their decision.

The Key

Find the greater objective / purpose to push forward and stick to it. Whenever, the fear kicks in, think back the said purpose, cool yourself down, and press on.

Choose The Way You Want To Die

Unlike follower who had chosen to let circumstances act on them, leaders always choose the way they want to die. It is either die gloriously or die trying. There is no option to die because of giving up.

You are also taught that if a shark begins to circle your position — stand your ground. Do not swim away. Do not act afraid. And if the shark, hungry for a midnight snack, darts towards you — then summon up all your strength and punch him in the snout, and he will turn and swim away.
There are a lot of sharks in the world. If you hope to complete the swim you will have to deal with them.
So, if you want to change the world, don't back down from the sharks.

- Admiral William H. McRaven

Motivational Talk