Export Primary Public Key With All Subkeys

In time where you want to share your identity, you will need to export the primary public key alongside with all its subkeys. This section guides you on how to export the said keys.

Verify Your Primary "Certify" Key Is Available

For advanced users who deleted their "certify" capability secret key, you need to restore it back for key creations. You can verify it by using the following command:

$ gpg --list-secret-keys


$ gpg --list-secret-keys
sec   rsa4096 2020-01-10 [C]
uid           [ultimate] "Shotgun" John, Smith (Main ID) <john.smith@email.com>

You want to observe the key with [C] capability and the sec label does not have a hash ("sec#"). If it does, you need to restore the key by loading the backup copy and use the following command to restore it:

$ gpg --import /path/to/you/key.asc

Export Primary Secret Key With All Sub-Keys

Once done, it's time to do the key export.

Obtain Your Primary Key ID

We start off by obtaining your primary key ID. This is by using the following command and find your key:

$ gpg --list-secret-keys


$ gpg --list-secret-keys
sec   rsa4096 2020-01-10 [C]
uid           [ultimate] "Shotgun" John, Smith (Main ID) <john.smith@email.com>
ssb   rsa4096 2020-01-10 [S] [expires: 2022-01-09]
ssb   rsa4096 2020-01-10 [E] [expires: 2022-01-09]
ssb   rsa4096 2020-01-10 [A] [expires: 2022-01-09]
ssb   ed25519 2020-01-10 [S] [expires: 2022-01-09]
ssb   ed25519 2020-01-10 [A] [expires: 2022-01-09]
ssb   cv25519 2020-01-10 [E] [expires: 2022-01-09]

You want the long string under the [C] key. In the example above, it is: AC51A10307C10B2A4BB1C89AF5EF57A0FB4EF0EF.

Export Key

Now use --export <ID> argument to create the public key file. Ensure you redirect the output into a file.

GPG Binary Format

The common file extension would be .gpg. Here's the command:

$ gpg --export <ID> > /path/to/public-key.gpg

You should get a binary file named secret-key.asc in /path/to.

TEXT Based Format

The common file extension would be .asc. If you want to export in a text-only format, append --armor argument in it. Here's the command:

$ gpg --armor --export <ID> > /path/to/secret-key.asc

You should get a text readable format like:


... key data ...


Text-only format is suitable for text-only storage, something like database.

Consume The Key File

Public key safe for consumption and local storage. In fact, you should distribute your public key to the public especially your trustees to sign and return it back to you. Keep in mind that anything you do with the primary key (e.g. update, delete, etc.) will alter the public data so you will need to update it consistently.

That's all about exporting primary public key with all sub-keys in GnuPG.