Nuking Bloatware on Android

There are times where Android phone manufacturers packed a huge list of undeletable apps (known as 'bloatware') that consume phone resources and possible data sniffing.

As the name implies, you should only nuke your Android when there are no important data in it. The recovery step involves factory reset so it will wipe everything on the device.

Resolving Dependencies

To achieve systemless rooting, you need at least 2 programs: adb. Hence, go ahead and setup the computer accordingly.

Get Apps List

To obtain the full list of apps from the Android device, simply use the following command:

$ adb shell 'pm list packages -f' &> list.txt

Delete App

You can delete the app using the app ID.

$ adb shell pm uninstall --user 0 "<app name>"


$ adb shell pm uninstall --user 0 "com.facebook.katana"

Getting Proper Bounty List

You must keep in mind that some app must work with one another. Occasionally, you may delete some critical app (e.g. keyboard) that can create catastrophe effect. Hence, in those situations, a factory reset would make good sense.

Getting a proper bounty list requires a lot of try and error until you know what to delete and who should not. This is a continuous effort so I suggest you script the list. Here's a past project I did:

That's all for nuking bloatware on Android devices.