2022 December

13 Dec 2022:  3 pm - 5 pm


李 聖林 氏(京都大学)

Sungrim Seirin-Lee (Kyoto University)


Born and raised in Busan, South Korea, I have loved mathematics and physics since high school. It has been 20 years since I came to Japan, but my reason for coming to Japan was not to study abroad, and my dream when I was a student was not to become a mathematician. I went around the block and found myself becoming a mathematician.

Title (first part):


Mathematical challenges to biology and medicine unraveling from geometry (形)

Abstract (first part):



The process of human development is the harmony of temporal and spatial dynamics of all life units, such as genes, cells, tissue, and organs. Although a cell function is initially regulated by the blueprint of genetic information and the times of genetic analysis have become real, one is still far from knowing all human biology. This is because the human completes its system via the process of self-organization. Pattern formation is one of the archetypical and beautiful self-organizing process by which cells determine their fate at the right time and right place. One of the notable features of pattern formation is that it always results in a visible geometry. This indicates that patterns/geometry can be the critical clues that let us know how the developmental process is made. In this seminar, I will show, through two example studies, that geometric properties of cells can induce unexpected possibilities in regulating cell fate and that the patterns of skin disease can represent the invisible system of the human body. 

The life system is always complex, and we often face difficult challenges. However, there may be an essence/simplicity behind the complexity. Mathematical science may suggest another new way to uncover the secrets of human biology.

Title (second part):


How come people start striving to become a researcher? Is it unrealistic to have a dream? How to talk about such things to our young fellows?

Abstract (second part):



In this session, I would like to share about turning points in my life and how I became a mathematician in Japan. To be frank, in my case, there was no lofty thought behind the reason why I majored in math and why I wanted to become a researcher. Just by chasing my own dreams in life, it was a mathematician that I naturally arrived at. After talking about myself, I would like to discuss with the participants about what it means to “chase one’s own dream”.

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