2023 December

18 December 2023: 10 am - 12 noon

登録フォーム(Registration form):


登録締め切り(deadline for registration):

12月13日17時 (5pm on 13 December)


河東泰之 氏(東京大学)

Yasuyuki Kawahigashi (The University of Tokyo)

記憶にある限りの昔から,算数,数学が好きで数学者になりたいと思っていました.大学院でアメリカのUCLA に留学して Ph.D. を取り,Berkeleyのポスドクもしていました.海外で過ごした期間を全部合わせると10年を超えていると思います.作用素環の数理物理学への応用を研究しており,最近はトポロジカル量子計算に現れる数学的構造に興味を持っています.

I have always loved mathematics and wanted to be a mathematician since as far back as I can remember. I got a Ph.D. at UCLA in the U.S. and was a postdoc at Berkeley. The total length of my oversea stays is more than 10 years. I have been studying applications of operator algebras to mathematical physics, and recently got interested in mathematical structures appearing in topological quantum computations.

Title (first part):

Two-dimensional topological order, tensor categories and operator algebras

Abstract (first part):


Two-dimensional topological order has caught much attention in condensed matter physics partly due to possible emergence of a new type of a quasi-particle called an anyon and its potential application to topological quantum computers. Mathematical behaviors of anyons are described with tensor categories. It has been recently recognized that studies of such tensor categories in physics in terms of tensor networks have much similarity to what has been known in subfactor theory of Jones in operator algebras. We present elementary aspects of this approach. No knowledge on operator algebras is assumed.

Title (second part):

Lack of diversity in the Japanese mathematical community

Abstract (second part):


(1) 女性が少ない.

(2) 外国人が少ない.

(3) 有名な数学者の多くが少数の有名高校出身者に集中している.


The situations of diversity in the Japanese mathematical community is not satisfactory at present, unfortunately. I will talk about the following three points based on my personal experience.

(1) The number of women is small.

(2) The number of foreigners is small.

(3) A small number of prestigious high schools produce a disproportionately large number of well-established mathematicians.

The first two problems are at least widely recognized. I believe the third one is also a big problem for Japanese mathematics.

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