2022 November

24 Nov 2022:  1 pm - 3 pm


長田 まりゑ 氏(大阪教育大学)

Marie Choda (Osaka Kyoiku University)


I grew up in the westernmost part of Hyogo prefecture, in the town of Kamigori. Being an only child and having love for mathematics, I thought that after graduating from university, I would become a mathematics teacher at Kamigori High School. So I chose to study at Osaka Kyoiku University (called Gakugei University at that time). There, I met prof. Masahiro Nakamura and his research on operator algebras. My graduation thesis seminar was a lot of fun, and the year went by very quickly. When I reported to prof. Nakamura that I had passed the employment examination, he suggested that I stay at the university. I refused. After many such exchanges with my supervisor, I finally decided to stay at the university. I was enjoying the world of operator algebras at Osaka Kyoiku University until my retirement.

Title (first part):


A short trip to the world of operator algebras

Abstract (first part):

作用素環論はJohn von Neumannにより(??作用素環におけるあらゆる科学現象を捉えるため??)構築されました.作用素環はヒルベルト空間上の線形作用素の作る環で,さまざまな分野:ほとんど全ての数学,数理物理,(エントロピーのような)情報理論分野と関わっています.作用素環の世界へ,私好みの散策をしてみましょう.

The Theory of Operator Algebras was founded by John von Neumann (?? to Catch all scientific phenomena in the Theory of Operator Algebras??). Operator Algebras are the algebras of linear operators on the Hilbert spaces. The Theory has connections with a lot of areas: Almost all fields of Mathematics, Mathematical Physics, Information theory (like “Entropy”), The target of this talk is young mathematicians who are not operator algebraists. Let’s take a walk in the world of Operator Algebras, just only to my taste.

Title (second part):


Maths: This and That

Abstract (second part):





I would like to informally chat about various situations and experiences that I came across through my commitment to mathematics. The topics may include, for example,

*) How people from other fields view mathematicians.

*) Marginal issues on workshops.

*) What is an ideal place for doing research?

Discussion theme (second part):


Things I care about and try to improve on when organizing workshops

Feedback from participants: