2023 November

2 November 2023: 10 am - 12 noon

登録フォーム(Registration form):


登録締め切り(deadline for registration):

10月28日17時 (5pm on 28 October)


岩尾エマはるか 氏(グーグルクラウド)

Emma Haruka Iwao (Google Cloud)

大阪府出身。2010年筑波大学大学院システム情報工学研究科修了。専門は高性能計算。組み込みシステムやクラウド技術者として経験を積み、2015年に Google に入社。現在は同社シアトルオフィスにて Google Cloud のソフトウェアエンジニアとして勤務。業務外でも、開発者コミュニティでの講演やオープンソースソフトウェア開発など、幅広く活動している。

Emma was born and raised in Osaka, Japan. She graduated from the University of Tsukuba in 2010 with a master's degree in computer science. After studying high performance computing in university, she worked in the embedded system and cloud technology fields. Emma joined Google in 2015 and now works as a software engineer in Seattle. She also works with developer communities and open source projects and is passionate about learning and teaching new technologies.

Title (first part):

Google Cloud を用いた円周率100兆桁の計算
Calculating 100 trillion digits of Pi in Google Cloud

Abstract (first part):

岩尾は2019年に31兆桁、2022年に100兆桁の円周率を Google Cloud を用いて計算し、それぞれ当時の世界記録を破りました。この講演では、計算に用いた手法、用いたコンピュータシステム、最適化や工夫などについてお話します。

Emma broke the world records of digits of pi twice by calculating 31 trillion and 100 trillion decimals of pi in 2019 and 2022, respectively, using Google Cloud. In this talk, she will discuss the nature of the calculation, the computer architecture and optimization techniques used in the calculations.

Title (second part):

Day in the life of a queer software engineer in Seattle

Abstract (second part):


Emma moved to Seattle after working at Japanese companies in Tokyo. In this talk, she'll discuss what it's like to be a queer software engineer, highlighting differences between Japan and the US.

Discussion Theme (second part):


Anything is welcome. Pick what you think is interesting, be it about today's talks or Emma's career and experience as a queer person.

Feedback from participants: