2022 January

19 Jan 2022 :  3 pm - 5 pm

1st  part : 3 pm - 4 pm

2nd part : 4 pm - 5 pm

Speaker : 

Ade Irma Suriajaya アデ・イルマ・スリアジャヤ(Kyushu University 九州大学)


I grew up in the environment where pure science is not known very well and it is thought that there is nothing left there to research. With that in mind, without any doubts I decided to study Engineering in college. Even back then I believed that there are a lot of things to learn which I definitely cannot gain in my home country and very luckily I got the opportunity to study abroad. It then led me to my first meeting with Mathematics. Getting financial support to study is one of the things which I had long believed to be crucial in education but I never thought that it would take me to my wildest dreams. I decided to chase the dream to study Mathematics which brought me to Japan. My first exposure to Pure Mathematics was in Autumn 2009 when I was a junior, but only got to study it properly in Spring 2010. Though it was a very short period of time, I was sure that Mathematics is the thing I want to do for the rest of my life. About a year later, I saw zeta functions and I was certain that it is exactly what I want to work on. I was not interested in studying Japanese in the beginning but needed it to learn Mathematics and it became my fifth language. That motivated me to learn more foreign languages and I started making my first attempts to using my seventh language.

Personal homepage (個人ホームページ): https://www2.math.kyushu-u.ac.jp/~adeirmasuriajaya/index.html

Title : 

Goldbach’s Conjecture and the Riemann Hypothesis in Number Theory, and Their Relations to Zeta Functions

Abstract: Number Theory has a very long history that dates back to thousands of years ago. The main goal of this study is to understand properties of numbers which can essentially be reduced to understanding prime numbers. Number Theory has evolved over time and yet we are still left with several important old problems. Among, Goldbach’s conjecture which is celebrating its 280th anniversary this year (by the time of my talk in 2022) and the Riemann hypothesis which is now over 160 years old remain unsolved. In this talk, I would like to explain what these problems are about and briefly introduce a few recent works which are related to them, especially how the distribution of zeros of the Riemann zeta function comes into play. My talk will be given in the perspective of Analytic Number Theory.




Some topics in mind for the  2nd part of the event : 

• Integration of a foreigner in Japan as an employee/ a student? 

• Why do you choose mathematics? Any turning points in your journey?




Feedback for Breakout  Room  Discussion from participants : 

・       大学(等)における外国人メンバーの受け入れ、とくに外国人学生の受け入れに関することが話題の中心になりました。人のつながりを作ること、とくに「縦のつながり」だけでなく「横のつながり」も作ることが大切で、大学もそれを促進するような施策を打つとよいだろうという意見がありました。またその中で、外国人学生が一方的に「助けられる」立場に置かれるのではなく、相互に何かを提供するような状態になるとよい、という指摘がありました。

・       一般に、日本では、学習事項を学年で区切り、それに外れている内容であると学習しづらい場合があると思うが、自分の学年より上の学年相当の内容でも、下の学年相当の内容でも、進んでいるとか、遅れているとかの意識をさほど持たずに、勉強できるような環境が整うと良いと思うという話を行った。また、社会人の方が、数学に興味を持った場合に、気軽に勉強できる場があると良いという話を行った。

・       国際化が叫ばれる今、日本語が母国語ではない学生やスタッフに対する言語環境(資料に英語を併記するなど)を整えるべきだと思っていましたが、言語だけではなく慣習などを育むことも大事だと思いました。 そこで大学ごとにそのようなプログラムがあるのかどうか気になりました。

・       今回の講演者のような、数学のみならず、全てに於いて積極的な数学者の存在に驚きました。

・       自分がしゃべりたい気分の時は第2部の人数が少ない時の方が順番が回って来やすい。自分が聞きたい気分の時は第2部の人数が多めの方が喋らないでもいいし色んな人の話を楽しめる。どっちの気分なのかは始まってみないと自分でもわからないので、第2部の人数は何人ぐらいが適切なのかは、よくわからない。

・       数学をなぜ専攻したのかの部分の議論が深くできなかったので、また違う機会にこのようなテーマがあると嬉しいです。

・       The translation was very useful. It might be interesting to explore something more systematic in this direction (e.g., multiple people joining forces, working together, or in short turns)


(Ade Irma Suriajaya)CatchAllMath220119.pdf
(Ade Irma Suriajaya)CatchAllMath220119-Part2.pdf