2023 May

11 May 2023: 4 pm - 6 pm

登録フォーム(Registration form):


登録締め切り(deadline for registration):

5月6日17時 (5pm on 6 May)


早水 桃子 氏(早稲田大学)

Momoko Hayamizu (Waseda University)

(▷ 教育・アウトリーチ活動にも力を入れています.詳しくは,早稲田大学早水桃子研究室のYouTubeチャンネルをご覧ください.)

I went to medical school with the intention of becoming a researcher in basic medicine and worked as a clinician for several years after graduation. However, I ended up becoming an applied mathematician because I was keenly aware of the importance of methods for extracting information from data since my student days, and I wanted to contribute to medicine through theoretical research on methods for analysing biological data.
My research is therefore related to mathematical science, information science, statistical science and life science, but my specialisation is in discrete mathematics (combinatorics, graph theory, discrete geometry, discrete algorithms), which deals with problems related to graphs and networks. I believe that my strength and originality lie in formulating important biological problems into mathematical problems and creating new theorems and algorithms to solve them.
I am currently particularly interested in the mathematical and computational aspects of phylogenetic trees and networks and their applications. Studying them can help elucidate many important biological processes, such as cell differentiation and bacterial or viral evolution.
I am also active in education and outreach activities. For more information, please visit my laboratory's YouTube channel.

Title (first part):

Exploring the interface of discrete mathematics and life science

Abstract (first part):


Discrete mathematics and the life sciences may sound like a strange combination, but open any medical or biological textbook and you will see a variety of graphs on almost every page. In fact, I worked as a radiologist for several years after graduating from medical school until I started my PhD, and at that time I knew nothing about discrete mathematics, not even what it was. But when I came across a textbook on combinatorial phylogenetics, my current speciality, and read the definitions of basic graph-theoretical concepts such as paths, chains, trees, cycles and networks, I could not help but recall the familiar images of intracellular signalling pathways, food chains, gene trees, pedigrees of genetic diseases, cellular hierarchies, metabolic networks and so on, and felt that I was learning graph theory for the first time and yet I was already familiar with many of these concepts. Thus, I became fascinated by discrete mathematics as the language of the life sciences, and like a child eager to use a new vocabulary, I enjoyed translating medical and biological research topics into discrete mathematical problems and working to solve them. In this talk I will discuss what I have thought and done so far at the interface between discrete mathematics and the life sciences, and what directions I am interested in pursuing in the future.

Title (second part):

YouTube as the intersection of research, education and social media

Abstract (second part):

私が早稲田大学に赴任した2020年度は,日本でCOVID-19のパンデミックが始まり,大学のキャンパスが閉鎖され,全ての教員がオンラインで授業を行うことになった激動の時期でした.それがきっかけで私は自分のYouTubeチャンネルを開設し,そこで日本語と英語の講義動画を公開したり,国内外のボランティアの方と交流して多言語字幕をつけてもらったり,YouTube Liveでライブ配信したりと,様々なチャレンジ(実験と呼ぶ方が適切かもしれません)をしてきました.私にとって動画の出版は,論文の出版と同じく数々の苦難を伴うものでしたが,YouTubeによって多くの成果を上げた今,動画メディアを上手く活用することは教育にも研究にも大いに役立つと確信しています.本講演では多くの方に「自分もやってみようかな」と思ってもらえるように,YouTube活動を通じて得られたメリットを中心に私の経験談をお話しします.

When I started working at Waseda University in the 2020 academic year, it was a turbulent time, as the COVID-19 pandemic began in Japan, the university campus was closed and all faculty members had to conduct classes online. This led me to create my YouTube channel, and I took on various challenges (perhaps 'experiments' is a better word), including publishing lecture videos in Japanese and English, having volunteers add multilingual subtitles, and livestreaming on YouTube Live. For me, publishing videos was literally as much of a struggle as publishing papers, but I now know that making good use of video media is hugely beneficial for both education and research. In this talk, I will share my experiences to inspire more mathematicians to get started with YouTube.

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