2024 June

21 June 2024: 1 pm - 3 pm

登録フォーム(Registration form):


登録締め切り(deadline for registration):

6月17日17時 (5pm on 17 June)


相川 勇輔 氏(東京大学)

Yusuke Aikawa (The University of Tokyo)


I got a Ph.D. from Hokkaido University in 2019 and then joined Mitsubishi Electric. After resigning from Mitsubishi Electric in 2023, I am now working at the University of Tokyo. During my student years, I majored in number theory and algebraic geometry, but after becoming an employee, I have been conducting research on cryptography from a mathematical viewpoint. In my research, I mainly focused on cryptography utilizing isogenies of elliptic curves. Recently, I have a growing interest in the relationship between cryptography and some discrete mathematical objects such as expander graphs, coding theory and so on.

Title (first part):


Mathematical Cryptology

* The talk will be in Japanese; English slides will be provided.

Abstract (first part):




In today's information society, we use communication technology on our daily life. For us to use these technologies secure, confidentiality and authentication of information are essential. Cryptography plays precisely this role.
Cryptography can be broadly divided into symmetric-key cryptography and public-key cryptography. Among them, public-key cryptography is often referred as a successful example of an application of mathematics, and one may have heard of this term before. In fact, design of these algorithms and analysis of their security rely heavily on mathematical techniques, sometimes highly advanced ones.
Thus, in this talk, I would like to start with examples of public-key cryptography in use and discuss how mathematics can be utilized to realize this technology. Conversely, I will also talk about the positive impacts that cryptography has had on mathematics, including my results. Furthermore, I would like to share the current trends in post-quantum cryptography, which is a next generation of public-key cryptography that is currently being actively researched and in standardization process.

Title (second part):


Reminiscing about the days in the department of mathematics

Abstract (second part):



After completing my doctoral studies in mathematics, I joined a private company and later became a university faculty member. I also did a six-month research internship at the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) when I was a student. During these careers, I was able to experience (though not for a long time) different environments in industry, academia, and a national institute. Currently, I belong to a faculty of engineering, which is a different environment from the department of mathematics where I spent my student days. Looking back, those days in the department of mathematics feel somewhat distant now.
Throughout these experiences, I have felt the uniqueness of departments of mathematics. Thus, in this talk, from a perspective of a career as a researcher, I would like to contextualize my days in the department of mathematics based on my experiences, including its strengths as well as what I hope will improve in the future.