2023 October

5 October 2023: 3 pm - 5 pm

登録フォーム(Registration form):


登録締め切り(deadline for registration):

9月30日17時 (5pm on 30 September)


橋詰健太 氏(新潟大学)

Kenta Hashizume (Niigata University)


Until junior high school I liked science, but my math teacher in high school was so interesting that I became interested in mathematics. Already around that time, I liked proof problems more than calculation problems, so I may have been cut out to be a mathematician. When I was an undergraduate, I had only a vague idea that it would be nice to become a mathematician. Then I encountered algebraic geometry in a text-reading seminar style class, and majored in algebraic geometry in graduate school. My research topic is Minimal Model Theory. The theory originated in a paper by Professor Shigefumi Mori, who won the Fields Medal in 1990, but it is not established completely. When I just started my research, I was full of desire to complete the minimal model theory but of course, it is not an easy task, and I am still halfway to reach the goal. The job search to become an assistant professor was quite hard, but I am fortunate to be able to continue my research as an assistant professor at Niigata University from this year.

Title (first part):

Birational geometry and minimal model theory

Abstract (first part):


Birational geometry, one of themes in algebraic geometry, aims to classify algebraic varieties using "birational equivalence'". Roughly speaking, the birational equivalence is a equivalence relation defined by identifying two algebraic varieties whose structures are the same almost everywhere. For classification using the birational equivalence, we need to find an algebraic variety with a good structure with which we compute several geometric invariants. Minimal model theory is one of methods to find such a good algebraic variety. In this talk, I will explain an overview of birational geometry and minimal model theory.

Title (second part):

As a wheelchair user

Abstract (second part):


I use a wheelchair at all times to move around, so I also use a wheelchair when I go on business trips. I would like to share my experiences about how I prepare for business trips and how I move around during such trips. In addition, I would like to introduce how I teach in courses in the university and the activity at the university.

Discussion Theme (second part):


Work environment of persons with disabilities

Feedback from participants: