2024 January

16 January 2024: 3 pm - 5 pm

登録フォーム(Registration form):


登録締め切り(deadline for registration):

1月11日17時 (5pm on 11 January)


ギンダー エリオット 氏(明治大学)

Elliott Ginder (Meiji University)


I grew up in Washington, and came to Japan in the spring of 2007 for graduate studies. While I am unable to claim that I always aspired to be a mathematician, its allure was a constant presence on the horizon. My interests meandered through linguistics, computer science, and literature at different points in time, but in the end, mathematics won me over. Having completed my Ph.D. in 2012, I moved to a position at Hokkaido University before eventually finding my place at Meiji University. This trajectory has afforded me the incredible opportunity to explore not only the mathematical landscapes, but also the breathtaking scenery of this country and others. Most importantly, I have had the privilege of meeting extraordinary people who have become both collaborators and friends. In retrospect, mathematics has been a gateway to exploration--connecting me with cultures and faces that have enriched my personal and professional journey.

Title (first part):

曲面上に制限された界面運動へのminimizing movementsによるアプローチ

A minimizing movements approach to surface-constrained interfacial motions

Abstract (first part):

本講演では,曲面上の偏微分方程式(surface PDE)の近似解法についての新しい手法を紹介したいと思います.具体的には,偏微分方程式の解析と数値計算でよく利用されている離散勾配流法(minimizing movements, MM)の適用範囲を拡大し,曲面上の界面運動の近似解法を実現化する手法です.このアプローチは,最近点法(closest point method, CP)を組み込み,曲面制約のある汎関数の値を正確に計算します.また,曲面上のレベルセット法の構築も重ねて焦点を当て考えて行きます.この方法をMMの設定へ統合することで,曲面上の界面運動の新しい閾値法(threshold dynamics, TD)の開発が実現できるのです.これらにより,一般化されたMBOおよびHMBOアルゴリズムの適用を通じて,曲面上の体積保存条件付き多相形の曲率流にも触れていきます.

This presentation introduces an innovative method for approximating solutions to surface partial differential equations (SPDE). Specifically, we extend the applicability of minimizing movements (MM), a variational technique utilized in PDE analysis and numerical methods, to realize approximation methods for interfacial motions on surfaces. Our novel approach incorporates the closest point method to accurately compute surface-constrained functional values.

We will also demonstrate the construction of a surface-constrained level set method. By integrating this method within our MM framework, we unveil a powerful synergy, resulting in the development of new threshold dynamical algorithms for surface-constrained interfacial motions.

Illustrations showcasing the case of multiphase, volume-preserving curvature flows on surfaces through the application of generalized MBO and HMBO algorithms will be presented.

Title (second part):


Reflections and Shared Insights: researching in Japan

Abstract (second part):


I would like to share my experiences as a mathematician living and working in Japan. Upon reflection, there are a few observations that may be of interest to those who are thinking of researching, working, studying, or living abroad. After delving into my journey, let's explore our shared experiences and contemplate the future of our community. What have been your related experiences, and where do you see our community heading? How can we inspire the next generation to fearlessly pursue opportunities and take bold steps?

Feedback from participants: